Grow #2 -->SourD, Blue Dream, Monkey Slapz, & GDP

@jj520 awesome, I think that’s what I did last time so thanks for the reassurance.

I’m close to relapsing and getting some booze but I know it won’t help in the end. I really wish I could figure out a place where I can use cannabis again. It would help a lot.


I know what you mean. Im coming up to 7 years on October 2nd no Alcohol. Hardest thing to overcome because it’s socially acceptable. I wish you the very best with that.


I know it’s a cliche, but it’s one day at a time. I’ll have 25 years this coming February.


@sdoyle @greyalien44 I have about 1 year and 9 months sober from alcohol. It really is the hardest thing to kick because it’s so readily available. I think they should ban the sale of booze and force people to brew it themselves if they want to drink.


Flowering Day11

Squeezed between the pots laying on my back and cleaned up everything under the canopy. I should’ve done that before the flip. :flushed:


Looks good. :+1:t3:


Thank you @happilyretired :pray: I hope this harvest is the best yet.

Flowering Day 13

They’re really praying after I hit them with Incredible Bulk organic bloom booster, Flower Fuel, and Jack’s Part A 0-12-26

I have some other Jack’s Finisher 7-15-30 but since I amended the soil already with CoM Buds and Blooms I figured the nitrogen from that is plenty at 5-13-0.

I also tilled in 1/3 cup of Azomite and Diatomaceous Earth to boost minerals and keep bugs in check. Although I never have issues with fungus gnats with CoM Stonington Blend.

I have also dialed in my watering schedule. Every 3rd day they get 6 liters each. At 7 liters runoff begins so I keep them at 6.


Super nice just nake sure to keep the leaves off the bud sites first pic i see a bud site between leaf fingers. Tuck that leaf under that site and leaves so the site stays open any others do the same if u see a leaf kinda or covering otherwise beautiful nice buttons colors beautiful. Nice work man.


Ok thanks for the advice @Mark0427 . Tomorrow that will be my first task. Tuck till I’m tuckered out :sunglasses:

Then I’m mixing another batch of compost tea :coffee:


Sounds great. I r doing a winderful job man. Ill shoot u a message later on about something for ya. We chat after i get putta work.


Flowering Day 14

I did some tucking and found a lot more to defoliate and prune. There were a lot of sideshoots blocking light on the main buds so I pruned them. I also tried spreading out the branches as evenly as possible so we’ll see how they turn out. I don’t want to be trimming larfy buds.

Mixed up compost tea with Boogie Brew, Incredible Bulk, Flower Fuel, and a little Jack’s Part A 0-12-26 because last feeding they really seemed to enjoy it.


It looks killer nice work going to be a nice haul :muscle:t2:


Thanks for keeping up with my thread @jj520 I love to get feedback from my fellow growers.


Badass id prolly stop playing with it now and let it do its thing besides rip a leaf here or there if needed. If u can lower the light a bit more and not see leaf damage or any twists or anything id do that also. If u notice any faint color coming on or twist from heat raise it back but the more u can pound them now the better as they age u wanna back light down so more is good now. Lol. Imma message u in a second.


Flowering Day 15

I love having a camera in my grow tent :grin: I get a little peace of mind being able to check out my plants anytime since I don’t live where they are.

They’re due for a feeding today so I’ll probably take more pics in a while.


@jj520 I just checked my compost tea and its PPM is 1930 but most of that is organic. A little bit is from Flower Fuel and Jack’s Part A.

Do you think that’s too hot or am I good since it’s mostly organic fertilizer?


@jj520 @Mark0427 @happilyretired @PreyBird1 @sdoyle

I think I really screwed up when I took those fan leaves from the tallest branches. Those buds aren’t going to develop as much will they?


They will be fine. I wouldnt do any more defols if u can tuck it otherwise they still look great. The leaves will come back fast the more u take the more that come but the more that come slows fown bud production a little for the plant to produce more leaves to do the work the plant needs to do thats kinda my tuck theory saves the plant from slowing down bud production to form new leaves.


I was wondering if u grew where u stayed. Lol. Had me a bit worried but not in a way because u always seem so calm about it. I see why. Atleast u can hrow somewhere. Awesome someone lets u do this awesome u jave a cam as u can see who does what if they do.


Naaa that plant will be ok. And remember some of the leaves are feeding the buds. There like solar panels for the bud sites.