Grow tent temperatures

I had two issues with my cooling system going down it reached at least 96° in my tent a couple of time that I know of my question is did it home the plants or even worse did it harm any of the tricombs?

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I lost my house ac unit over the summer and couldn’t afford to replace it my daily high in the closet reached 95 for probably 6 weeks straight and got some Pretty good smoke as long as the heat stress. Doesn’t hermie your plant it should be fine maybe loose a little potency and it will make them thirsty but I was growing Acapulco gold which is more of a. Warm weather strain

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I would worry more about the plant hermaphroditing. Stressful conditions May cause the plant to hermaphrodite and grow pollen sacs. Although too much heat can burn the bud and sometimes trichomes but usually if you get the right light, it will produce more trichomes to try to protect the plant

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Thank you very much for the advice!
I watch them very closely!
And no signs of any of that yet

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Keep a lot of air moving.