Got a question from a grower wondering why their plants smell like stinky feet. Said it began right after a nutrient burn. Any insights? Has anyone heard of this? @growernick ?
Ahhh…take a deep whiff! My suspicion is you can attribute this phenomenon to the terpene and flavinoid structure of the cultivar. Sounds enticing!
Person says it smelled good before the burn. Anything to it?
Redisual nutes perhaps? Anyone else want to take a stab at why these buds taste like feet?
Taste or smell? i had grown out a plant that at first smelled amazing. then towards the end smelled like armpits. Doubtful it has anything to do with nuets. Its deffimatly terps. the profiles sometimes change a bit as the plant matures.
Smell. They haven’t harvested yet. Said the same thing you did though, smelled good at first and now feet. Thanks for your help!
Yeah i wouldnt worry. its pretty normal. One of my favorite strains is UltraViolence. It smells sickening like death, but sweet and inviting. You are almost repulsed by the smell, however you cant stop smelling it.
Oh well…new brand name…Stink Foot Bliss
I used to grow a strain called Exodus Cheese that smelled like a putrid wound infection when it was grown right. It knocked you on your ass and it was amazing when you smoked a joint, but sweet Lord it smelled awful!!
1 of the 1st aromas I get in weeks 2-3 is sweet.
Sweet for some time then will become funky all different. Or remain sweet.
Some strains don’t have much aroma while growing then when they harvest and cure OMG becomes really pungent.
Burn is not good and he likely fried trichomes and completely changed the terpene profile and lost some.
The plant was overfed, in a stunt, and could have N lockout which leads to Cal and Mag deficencies and the final product will not be good. Hopefully he learns and crushes it next time.
OK, from the chemical perspective, I believe it is a thiol compound being produced.
It is a sulfur + N compound (not sure what the terpene’s name is (maybe furfural?), but have a terp profile done). The burn from excess N and S in your mix (is it hydro?).
Sulfur can be incorporated in the trichomes as a protective / survival mechanism of the plant during stress events.
First off guys, If you are flowering. Why would you have N burn?
In case some of you arent really growers here is a tip.
When you are ready to flower. And you set timers to 12/12 this point in time is called transition. It lasts about 3 weeks. +/-.
Let me explain what you should be shooting for in this period. It VERY CRITICAL!
Week one of transition. Feed with a Bloom booster of your choice. As well feed with your N, Just reduce it by 50% reason is the plant is going to strech. It will grow 25-50% bigger in these next weeks. And will need SOME N.
Week two. Cut the N down to 25% or less in your feed mix. Start with P, K.
week three NO N at all. the growth should have stopped. and flowers Should be showing by now. P,K should be 75% of the feed at this point. Zero N. add your cal mag if using LED. Keep your Micro and Macros controlled. the plants are using so much energy at this point. Issues arise very very fast.
:side note. LED growers should use less Nuets then conventional HPS or HID growers. Reason the LEDs are super intense. Burn happens a lot easier umder LEDs. keep a eye on my grow pics. Very rare do i ever burn my plants.
Also learn PPM for plant life stages. Early veg stay below 150ppm. By week six you should be around 6-700 ppm. Flush if you like. I never do. never need to.
Are there benefits Flushing vs Not Flushing? Or does it not matter either way?