Hi I’m Yaz, I’m growing my first plant. I’m on a low budget. I know my plant needs nutrients by the leaves. Are there any nutrient I could make from scratch or low cost I could buy to it become
Hi I’m Yaz, I’m growing my first plant. I’m on a low budget. I know my plant needs nutrients by the leaves. Are there any nutrient I could make from scratch or low cost I could buy to it become
That soil looks oversaturated to me. Wilting like that can be a sign of over watering.
Someone else may be able to assist you further.
Try to fill this out as completely as possible:
Strain (bagseed too):
Indoor, outdoor:
Tent, Room Size:
Light height:
Temps (day and night):
Relative Humidity (day and night) :
Added Air (fans, portable acs, heaters, dehumidifiers) :
Pot sizes:
Soil, Coco, or Dwc:
Nutrient type:
Ph numbers:
Ec and PPM:
Water Temps:
Seed germination date:
Veg duration:
Nutrient cycles (how often feed/water):
it needs to dry out your soil looks wet and heavy
tell us more and I am sure someone will help
all the best and good luck
I put coffee grounds in the soil
that should wake them up
Hello Yaz, welcome First grow, that’s exciting! Little baby looks a bit overwatered indeed. Easy fix