Growing now inside now and outside in 2024 here in the NorthEast

3/2/2024 some Blah Blah Blah and photos :wink:

plants have gotten some scissor training and moved to 4 foot x 8 foot table

they are being cover by 3 - 2 foot x 4 foot arrays that can be ran at 320 watts

each I am running them at 175 watts each

I also added 3 - 40 watt 6600 k strips to each array, so over the 4 x 8 table

I am using 885 watts

a Durban Poison that is feeling poorly :frowning: fed a little too much so it is on a

plain water diet :slight_smile:

Blue Mountain seedlings I may keep them all inside and make f2s

ran out of space so they got moved to a 4 foot x 4 foot table with

2 - 2 foot x 4 foot light like the other ones

running at 225 watts each with no added lights

13 GMO x Dragon’s Blood f5 regulars feeling better

Double Grape OG your guess is as good as mine :slight_smile:

Road Kill Skunk

Blue Mountain seedlings before the cut

Blue Mountain seedlings after a trim


Lava Cake x Pressure

nice little bushes

all the best and grow well



Must say roadkill skunk has peaked my interest :metal::grin::100::beers:


the last time I counted I had six :wink:


Mine also :slight_smile: f2s I got in a trade with someone they are regulars looking

for a good female for a mother maybe

I can have six in veg so I could keep six stock plants :slight_smile: now that I can get

The Weed to grow under LEDs

how skunky? who knows I would love to find piney :slight_smile: like Northern Lights of about


all the best and grow well



or say the 54 I have now


Looks great WOW a lot of plants :+1:t2:


Nice blah blah blah!


Miss Ruth your Math teacher would be proud of u :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Man you got a pile of plants im jelly!


here is the key :wink:

I have not counted since six :slight_smile:


60 is 6 and 0 so, all good. :+1:


and 6 times 0 is 0 :wink: so I need to get growing eh?


He’s a 0 and 1 guy .I use a calculator but since i can’t touch my toes anymore my equations only go to 10 :rofl::rofl:. Have a great day and grow strong


I like this math. Only if the feds felt the same. I would def have like 5 plants or so in each room if it was a 60×0=0 I’d always have 0 plants growing then. Lol. U have a beautiful field of dreams there man. Lol.


since I have lots of plants and do not need any more :slight_smile:

I think I may the first week of April start 21 Autos as they come and go so

fast they are hardy plants :wink: right?

but this is going to my last try at Autos as they fuckin hate me :frowning: if it goes

well great if not I will be giving the Auto seeds I thought I was going to grow


enjoy the day and be safe



My first auto
Seed was given to me by a friend he left out that it was an auto it started flowering before I flip lights.


I did 30 outside in 2022 and did well

inside I tried to grow them with vegging plants and it was no so good

inside a breeder told me 20 hour days with a lower PPFD is what works best

but will roll the dice outside one more time :wink:

be safe and grow well



3/08/2024 some photos and words to get us up to day

back on 3/02 I trimmed off the big leaves when they started to come back and

notice some black leaf veins :frowning: oops!!

should have looked before cutting them off the would have helped to buffer the

Nitrogen overload

flushed them with plain water and that was not the best of ideas with no big leaves

so overwatered we are

I have 12 feminized plants that were not so bad and enough soil-less to

repot them from a 1 gallon pot to a 2.5 or 3 gallon pot full of dry mix

to dry the roots out

still sad but they will live as The Weed is hard to kill unless you work at it :wink:

drying out :slight_smile:

these Blue Mountain seedlings did well they may be a keep

Double Grape OG feeling the pain of very wet roots ran out of soil-less need

to pick up some more

Road Kill Skunk looking like road kill

Sweet Tooth # 4

I could check my run off, check the PH of my water

I also could look at the plant they are overwatered and maybe locked

GMO x Dragon’s Blood f5 did better

as always room will be a problem at some point thank G_d 54 days until May First

outside under the sun and in the ground right where plants love to be

bigger pots and dry mix helped a lot

starting to get back on track with having leaves the rooms humidity is

getting right the plants are transpiring and using the water now

a few more

getting better need to get them healthy so I can go back to hacking on them :wink:

all the best and enjoy the day



That’s a heck of an update. Looking good…:+1:t3::+1:t3::v:t3:


Today is 3/12/2024 50 days until May First

some photos and an update

these shots were taken on 3/08/2024 we are now spread out using

6 - 2 foot by 4 foot light arrays running at around 200 watts ea for a total

of 1400 or so watts

a couple of Blue Mountain regular seedling this plant has a nice shape

some GMO x Dragon’s Blood f5 and Sweet Tooth # 4 regulars coming back nicely

from their mishap :slight_smile:

Sweet Tooth # 4 nice little bush

GMO ready for a trim almost

I have a few that will need a few more days to recover

GMO starting to get trimmed again at this time I will be treating all the regulars

as if they are females

after the trimming

so glad for once made the right choice of planting no more seeds :slight_smile: for now

as we have a room full of plants

these need a couple more days before they get a trim

Road Kill Skunk

these plants are little tanks :slight_smile: males I am guessing :frowning:

getting my sweet potato ready

Lava Cake x Pressure feminized

Durban Poison feminized will be taking some cuts soon

Plants so you all are up to date I will be trimming these all soon and cutting

some clones

all the best and grow well
