Growing now inside now and outside in 2024 here in the NorthEast

this is why I laugh about the red lights on switches, the blue read out screens

if my plants do not turn into Hermaphrodites

there is an outstanding change yours will not either :slight_smile:


Sunny and 65 in Mass today, the Sundae Drivers are out for some sun.


still chilly here :frowning: but soon they will be out for some sun before the move out


today is 4/10/2024 and the peoplewho me have been working to death :frowning:

an update with photos

Devil’s Punch in a seven gallon put to go out 5/04/2024 looking to grow monsters

and putting out shrubbery to start

Double Grape OG

Durban Poison

GMO x Dragon’s Blood f5

Lava Cake x Pressure

Road Kill Skunk

Sweet Tooth 4 for number 7 just because it could freeze here in New York

corpses from last season

here is to a great year my outside growers

all the best and grow well



Ladies r looking good. Weather is starting to warm up. Only 24 days to go and u can set them free


feels like when I was working for the New York Department of Corrections

marking time :wink:

very soon they will be in 5/04


I started some seeds as if I need more with a 6 plant count limit :frowning: but you

know the weather here in new york can be bad

I am thinking of running glaciers of ice and the NL 5/haze x sensi star


we will see


Exactly! And i happen to prefer a 2 gen clone. And only tops of plants used as the clone.


I jave noticed that tops form a nice plant where as side shoots or bottom cuts dont grow as uniform i guess id say. Either way tho the cuts always seem to put out a fatter bud than the seeded plant does atleast here it does hoping to see some sogns of flower today on the room i flupped about a week or soish ago. Cant waot to see some nice buds again. Hoping for the pirple tp come out like it did with the seed plant trying to kick the room as cold as possible at loghts out. Today i feed and will gove them a spray of some blue magic as i havnt done it ywt. Did a defol and pretty much took all the bad off the plant where i didnt see it dor a qeek now i am slightly seeing it again so defol and spray today. Im gonna grab me another ac 6 inch to add to the room gonna see if i can run it at half way down the wall and the 8 at the ceiling to rid of all top heat and the 7 should get anything middle down wothout issues ran on a lower speed. I hipe atleast. Cant keep seeing this 6 inch fan on marketplace for 60 bicks now brand new in box with controller 69 its like 100 off the price. Lol


Today is 4/14/2024 and we have 20 days until May 4th the day I hope to put

my 6 plants in the ground to start my 2024 outside season here at 42.8 N

in New York State

at the start of every season I get to this point were I am Over Growing my room :frowning:

my 8 foot by 16 foot grow room looks so huge with 30 or 40 seedlings in

16 oz solo cups :slight_smile:

an then they grow :frowning:

I am working on a table which is 18 inches off my floor but not as wide as the

room so the plants will be moved to the floor so I can spread them out

I just need to get thru the nest 20 days

on the floor it gets me a bit of room I do not want to trim my 6 plants until

they are in the ground

I switched my light schedule again I am now doing a 16 hour from 5am to 9pm

to run the lights during the day

I will do this for the next 5 days and then go to 5am to 7pm closer to outdoors

my floor is cold so I will watch my soil temps

colder soil will slow them down a bit and get them to harden off to move outside

I hope :slight_smile:

they look like the will do well on the floor for me the next 20 days will be work

until I can get rid of the plants I give to people :frowning: space, space , space always a

problem for me and that is why I like to grow outside :slight_smile:

plants are starting ti reveg after being in flower :slight_smile: I am feeding them

Cal Mag and Humic acid

all the best and grow weed



Looks grest as usual


thank you my friend :slight_smile: we are a long way from September/October

this New York and the night is young

all the best and grow well



Looks awesome. My mom lives in ny and is scared to grow lol. Her husband now was a ny firefighter for long long time now retired and hus sons r ny cops so makes her even more paranoid. Lol


today is 5/02/2024 and I have got way behind on this so time to update

this about 4/22/2024 and my plants have moved outside into a small

makeshift greenhouse

it is a bit early here in New York at 42.8N

six plants going to their forever home :slight_smile: my wife and her grow partner

plants that still need to go somewhere but not here

clone that I took because I do not need anyone plants

Durban Poisson in a seven gallon pot


4/27/2024 I did say it is a bit early for here well we had three nights of cold

and my poor plants got very cold :frowning:

might be a good thing I have more plants I may just need them

my six legal plants really not feeling the love :frowning:

my grow partner Lily Beth a mutt saved from the Pound


4/27/2024 Autos inside save and warm not being treated poorly

moved plants around for the last time I hope

starting to grow

(NL # 5 x Haze) x Sensi Star I have 5 regulars going

Auto I have no clue as to what it is forgot to put tags in the pots

more autos


4/28/2024 your are up to date new photo tonight

my six plants a little sun scorched and cold damage but they will recover

I would guess

looking to do 4 pounds a plant dried cure bud so they will need to get growing


5 (NL # 5 x Haze) x Sens Star regulars , 2 glaciers of ice regulars and

one Ice Cream Cake feminized

Autos in 3 or 4 gallon pots


all the best and enjoy the day



Nice. Hope they kick back for ya. Did u just throw them out there or slowly let syn hit it and kinds harden it off to the rlements its a weed so im sure itll pop back


absolutely :)it is a weed indeed

it harded off when it got down to the 20s three nights in a row

I will take photos tomorrow when they go in the ground the new growth looks


4 pounds a plant is what I am looking to do

grow well and be safe



There in good hands I’m sure they will bounce back.