These will still be monsters (in size) One died, one did not re-veg well (smallest shadow on left in line of plants in photo, one small pot is empty with no plant shadow) but the other six are going crazy. I filled the empty spot with a fresh Sour Diesel in May and the rate of growth is astounding. These should easily grow well over my head and greater than six feet across.
Once it drops below 100°(F), am going to go out and do a top dressing of a mix of FF Happy Frog Potting Soil, FF HF All-Purpose Fertilzer and worm castings.
Also, I DID NOT intend to do two crops, but, I had done this once before and knew what to do. IF you don’t get all of the old “almost flower” out of the plant (after it re-vegs) it will grow buds in that same awful form as previous. IF you only grow outside and have the time, then it is not a bad idea to actually try to achieve two crops. It DOES add a lot of time to maintenance and work at several stages.
Raised the shade cloth on the western side and all have been heavily defoliated. Due to growth rate from now through fall, and, future bud support considerations, all were moved further from center so the outer fencing can be utilized when creating support structure(s).
ALL are already showing sex/going to bud, it should be a nice, stinky fall!
Another beautiful grow , gorgeous panorama! Keep hi steppin over those rattlers and scorpions!! You ever have any javalina rut through your area??
LOL, smart little batards and STRONG for their size!!
Today in the grow house, after most were heavily defoliated. Outdoor defoliating is a continuous process and will be done multiple times before harvest.
Inside my greenhouse this evening
Inside my other greenhouse
Monsoons have been crazy this year everything is green
Outdoor Gelato coming along well, it is just starting to get some hint of aroma and the sugar has started.
I tried growing a plant last.yr in this desert in 25 gal. container, she grew beautifully and out grew green house height of 6ft opened up roof for her, her tips got fried then she died. This time growing different strains, mixed seeds given me. But they are in the ground This time. I start them in small containers then transplant. I started one in middle of Feb. She accidentally revegged due to lighting winter to spring. My lil indica girl flowering presently as well. She was an april plant, but poor lighting due to grn house room. My lil bubba from April , she got blocked by bigger bubba who’s in full swing of flowering presently, she was planted april 9th, and she’s presently about 4.6 to 4.7. I’m really hoping for a good yield on her too, she’s smelling like chocolate, coffee, earthy…but it’s possible to grow during crazy heat. I’m a beginner. I watched the sun. Got the grn house built and got them growing. I use dynamite cacti succulent nutrients and bone meal. They grew like a weed lol…but it can be done…any suggestions greatly appreciated too on outdoor growing. I love it and plants do to.!
The bushy one here is the accidental revegged one. The 2nd one is kush beginning of August but now she jumped up over 4. Ft 5. The seeds. Those are only some of the seeds. I’d carry that around and pass them around!
Also lastly. This used to be me. If you ever came across that card. That was me. ! Also, The name is Egyptian Bennu Topicals. In the Egyptian language the word bennu, stands for Phoenix. Im also a native of Phoenix.
Hey welcome! I’m over in az too!! Heat is def challenging to deal with,but we do get 8 months of the year that are ideal temps so we got that! Been learning to heat curve as well and it’s been costly haha
Thx…oh yeah. I can’t wait to grow more. I was given a container of seeds that had thousands of seeds, and they are a total bunch of wild crazy seeds from crossbreeding and they are producing some kick butt bud. So I’m hoping to do good with these. I’ve given so many seeds away…I hope az finally smells like BUD…
That’s awesome! Should get a good spark for the new az growers! What’s ur green house setup like? This is what I built
I’m still wrkg touching up, mine is screen kind with basic wood frame, I can stick my 6 in there comfortably but. Grn house built but not perfected. Been healing from surgeries so been hard to get it done 100% but got most done but as said using presently green screen on roof for harsh sun, then I got the insect screen around. It’s a tent type green house which how.i am in close quarters its perfect, contained, in secured area…so all good.
These pics of my lil indica hybrid…she less than 3 ft
Kinda interesting what u do for nutrients, should really look into the Dr earth organic stuff for veggies and they have a bud and bloom too. The main thing that is a must for an amendments with the heat is kelp, kelp is amazing for plants in heat stress environments
I’ve used Dr earth before, not bad …I actually gotta go down next week and get more…I used Bloom brand before too.
Oh ok, I went a lil all out haha, I dug a trench and put a subpanel back there too with 3 lines ran out to it so it’s solid self contained and power for lighting and fans. Really nice to have for those windy as hell days or monsoons that I can close the door and know it’s all gonna be protected I did a scaled up version of the plans from the “ana white greenhouse” on Google. Mine ended up being 12’ wide 16’ long and 10’2" to the peak, door is 8ft tall lol