Growing pots question

Realised the growing containers have holes down the side a bit from the bottom ,annd a few up the top they are for the water pump which I’ve decided not to use … will this be a problem putting coco perlite in there ? Thanks :pray: also should I leave the lid on?


Is this gonna be like an auto system or hand top fed. If hand fed the holes wont hurt. If auto fed the holes at the bottom will need plugged one is prolly a return hole the bogger for the excess nutes to return back to the rez never really seen them with so many holes in the pots unless they used zip ties to tie off a pumpmor something to the pot.


I’m going to hand feed , should I tape some of the holes up?

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I wouldnt if ur filling the pots the nore hokes the better if ur doing just like a pot grow not dwc style. Shit u should drill a ton of holes around the whole pot for the best aeration ucan getbwithout the pot falling apart.

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If your going to patch does holes try flex paste make sure it dries before u put water in