Heat and ventilation issue

I have a plant in a tent that has been treated with STS to produce pollen. I forgot to turn on the fan last night and this morning the plant was severely drooping. I took her out of the tent and no improvement after about four hours in the shade. I have now brought her inside into an air-conditioned room with the temperature set at around 78°. She was about ready to drop pollen so I don’t want to spray her with water. Any other suggestions to help revive her? I’m growing in coco and the medium is plenty wet. Any suggestions are appreciated. Don’t want to lose her. 3 mos. down the tubes.


Patients. Put her back where she belongs and try to reduce the heat a little bit in there keep the fan going.
Sorry I don’t have any other suggestions


Agreed with @happilyretired make sure she’s watered properly & add lots of ventilation & patience. You’ll probably lose some of the droopy leaves but it should be good. These plants are extremely resilient :wink: One of mine split down the middle in veg & is producing flowers beautifully.


She didn’t make it. I had just watered and temps were probably over 100 in the tent. Probably boiled the roots.

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Damn man any clones?


Yes, I have 3 strong clones all repotted once. I’m still hoping to get some viable pollen off her. Once one of the clones reaches sexual maturity I will give it what I have collected. I also have some DP pollen saved and I’m going to do a branch or two with it. Not sure it’s viable. I collected it and put it in parchment paper bindles with baked flour. Those were put in a silver bullet thermos with baked rice and into the floor freezer. :crossed_fingers:


I had the same issue once. Got the plant overheated under 95 Fh. Just keep the temperature at 76-78 and wait. Should be fine. When you see improvements, feed the plant. It needs a couple of days to recover


Sorry to hear that


I think the combination of the stress of the STS and the heat put her over the limit. Chalk it up to learning and start over. Learned that STS stays viable for quite a while. I used STS that had been stored in a light proof bag in the fridge since Dec. of last year. Learned that WW will flip twice as fast as the DP I did. And the list goes on.

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@mayakid so sorry. Nothing wasted it’s all a learning experience. We’ve all lost some one time or another. Just germinate some more :wink: