Help! afghan not looking to good!

I was thinking I had a Cal-meg issue… I increase the amt of cal-meg, my other plants are good but Afghan is not doing to well.
My hypothesis: Its the youngest in my flower tent… the roots where growing thru the fabic pots so i put them all in a box… I think the older and larger plants are using the nutrients befor Afghan can get the amt it needs…or the roots from the other plants have grown too thick to allow Afghan to spread its legs… Im nit sure tho, just guessing… unput needed
Afghan issues

and when I say larger I just mean wider… Afghan tall AF!

You could be hitting the mark.
The rest looks good to me
I wouldn’t trip… flush n feed it for fun !
It is normal for them to lose some pigment during flower for sure. You’ll be fine
I dont have the answer for you exactly … sorry
IDK why I’m the only one trying to help you ! ?
There’s a awful lot of pot gods on here lol


hello! are the roots exposed? Has the soil slipped out as well?

They think that they are God’s, but they are not even a college degree in Cultivation. I like your reply and your advice. Tip, just to help with vocabulary. Flush/Flushing is the same thing as Leaching. It’s just what you would have to answer it that way to get a better GPA.

No roots are exposed. And coco has has not slipped.

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Its alot of posts… Just blame it on the traffic… lol

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A collage degree is just a debt on a piece of paper! Lol… I would prefer experience over book knowledge. But i get your point… lol


I agree with you 100% . I’m big and love autodidact and that makes me a Autodidactism. A person who has learned by his or her own studies and has the knowledge of a Professor, Dr,M.D.,N.D, CULTIVATION, BIOFARMING AND NOW I’M WORKING ON SOIL MICRO AND MACRO BIOLOGY AND MY PC SKILLS ARE TRASH BUT I’M GETTING BETTER EVERY DAY. I :heart:HOW YOU SAID THE TRUTH ABOUT THE COLLEGE DEGREES, CERTIFICATIONS, COURSES, AND ALL THE PARAMETERS THAT I MISSED. . IM in Florida. What state or region do you live in? You don’t have to tell me if you’re not comfortable or just like to keep that to yourself is 100% understanding.

Tha Big TX my guy! And thanks for increasing my vocabulary! Lol.

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just trying to ask questions about the pictures you’ve posted, no shade. so is the media i see around the plant bottom is for what? The pots look to be at different levels of depth in the box you put them in?

Seems like those are smart pots so he probably put the coco around the base to allow the roots to grow through and have more space instead of air curing. Interesting idea, I wonder if he filled the entire box if the roots would battle each other for nutrients or they’d have enough space


Exactly what i did… I did fill the box, 4 plants in all… and the most recent (Afghan) is slightly burrowed into the medium. The other 3 are pretty deep.

I do feel the roots are battling. With afghan being the newest and youngest addition, it may be loosing the battle…lol
@obiwancannabis no shade taken… @districtflora is correct. Roots grew threw the smart pots, So i filled the box with layers of cley pebbles and coco.
I honestly thought roots growing outside the pots was a bad thing… now i see its not that bad depending on the size of your plant… learning everyday


Cheers mate! How do you feed/water those beautiful ladies? Those roots are going to keep digging until the reach the edge aka the perimeter of a bucket or vase.


Ive recently adopted watering on Wednesday, feeding on Saturdays.
The roots have already took over the box. The coco feels thick as a mattress… Honestly, i won’t do the box again. Too much space taken


Make sure you are journaling all your new facts you know, for the experience and knowledge. :+1::speaking_head::fire::evergreen_tree:

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Oh yea, i have apps and a manual journal… :muscle:t5:

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