Help! droopy seedlings

Lol I’m sure I know already


Let them grow. Just let them dry out some

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@peanuthead do you have holes in the bottom of those cups?

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Absolutely brother


Maybe dry, soil is pulling away from sides.

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@peanuthead, dude, get yourself one of these and relax.

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Lol thanks bro

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Just remember how heavy it was after a good watering, and how light is was before you watered and only water when its that light again.


You could also put it on a scale and when the weight gets down to your pre-weighed ‘dry’ level, then water.


Water it about every 4-6 days. And make sure all the soil is watered. You want roots to develop. After the 3rd 4th set of leaves come out you will then need to water about every 2 days.

Root-roots-roots is what you want.

I’m rooting for ya


Thank you so much brother! I actually have a question for y’all. I’m freaking out! I accidentally opened the top part of my tent about 4 hours into its 12 hours dark cycle! I don’t think the beam penetrated to the bottom of the tent but, is that going to effect it’s flowering cycle? It’s only the second night at 12/12.

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If you have good genetics it likely wont be an issue. If your plants are less than, then who knows? Just be more careful and keep an eye out for hermies.

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Then they should be good because I have some really good seeds. And yeah it won’t happen again lol


One day is not going to alter them - do it regularly and it will.

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I had my tent door open for the entire 12 hour dark cycle with a grow light blazing all night two weeks into my flower cycle. It did slow them down for sure, but they did just fine after that, and it smokes oh so good lol. Didn’t get any hermies.

Don’t worry so much.

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Whew!! Thanks y’all!!

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My Botany professor years ago told us “Plants want to grow, your job is to not F%^& it up on them”

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Lmao I love that!

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