Help! droopy seedlings

HELP!! As you can see my girls are way droopy! They broke ground on the 13th.
I have them in just regular potting soil for now
I had them under a blurple unit last night, they are now ALL under my little Mars Hydro unit my Aglex gets here. I’m sure I probably overwatered them, but, is that the only issue?


:joy:… Shes fine bro… She’ll look perfect i a week or two! :facepunch:t3:

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Are you sure?:disappointed: I can’t lose another one, I just can’t!! lol

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Thank you😎

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Yw man… Just keep moist… Plants grow in all water mediums… She’ll do you right! :joy:

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Oh man! Thank you so much bruh!!


You see how your soil is pulled away from the sides of the cups? That is because it is dried out. You need to keep the soil uniformly moist, don’t water a spot in the middle, water the whole cup until it drains out the bottom, then as it dries out then water again. And again not to beat you up but get a small low wattage starter light with a high blue spectrum, and keep your room temps cool.


You see how your soil is pulled away from the sides of the cups? That is because it is dried out.

Well spotted @sssportsmfg. Your soil is caking and could be signs of to much heat or drying out. Keep them moist, but not overly wet. Coming along nicely though. Happy growing @peanuthead.

Omg bro! Thank y’all so much! I just checked, like REALLY checked, and they were soooooo dry! I watered till I got some run off and put cup bottoms underneath to catch it all and suck it back up! I honestly can’t believe they were that dry, wow😞

You’re an absolute genius my man! I did exactly what [everyone] told me to! I watered till I got some good run-off, cut some holes around the bottom edges and voila! I look today and, well, see for yourselves…


Check out the side by side, er, up and down? Whatever, just look please lol


MOST excellent…you are on your way to frosty girls !! Good job.


Why thank you so much for your kind words lol


That is looking super @peanuthead. Looking forward to seeing your ladies grow. Remember, dont be over zealous with water now. Keep it moist, not wet.


Thanks brother!!!


Lookin up my gro bro night and day :v:t2:
Good job! Your light made a difference my brudda… Have a good night I gotta get up in 5 hrs :man_facepalming:


Yeah about the only changes I see are that they’re getting worse :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::confounded::disappointed:

Such a pretty shade of yellow

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Put some cardboard over that shelf rack or one wrong bump and all your seedlings will tip over and probably dump out of the cups. Ask me how i know?