Help with different lights

Hi There,

You should checkout our led grow light. We provide high PAR, High efficiency led grow light solution for indoor or home growers. You can checkout our light review on below link. You can directly buy from our website as well as you can buy from our distributors.

Message me if you have any questions. We are happy to help you growing.


I, too, am making the switch. I’ve contacted a few of these suggestions, but welcome the input.


HlG550V2 for the win.

Np, bullshit, or hype just the most tech advanced and efficient lighting systems out there.

best parts available , manufactured in USA by fellow citizens, community minded.

Worth it.



The lights this company produces are pretty cool. I have a few of their LEDs and they are lightweight and very bright! They are also paper thin and inexpensive.


I just cropped out on my first run with them. this is kind of suspect as they get brighter and more efficient during the first 5000 hours. but from the looks of it my yields are much higher across some really simple metrics.

all my yield metrics are based on all dryed significant bud, stabilized to a 45% humidity environment with interior leaves (sugar leaves) left on and all fan leaves (usually those over 1" or with exposed petiole) cut off.

of course this leaves off important things like growing time input volumes and all that kind of stuff but give you a simple easily understood metric.

but man I got alot more plant on this run.


but things look very promising. Ill update when it gets there which should be in a week or so.


That’s really great info! Thanks for sharing, @Kerry-OPhyllene! I have only used mine for vegetative purposes but I am looking forward to seeing their potential for flowering now that you have posted this favorable review with lots of data. It sounds like you adamantly recommend the HLG lights. I will do more exploration and report back.

Do you use these lights as standalone overhead lighting? Are you using them with any other fixtures? I wonder how they might perform with CMH lights as part of the array? What are your thoughts?

I have considered integrating some of these HLG lights as side lighting given their super slim profile. Has anyone used these lights for that purpose? If so, what results have you gotten?

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I utilize nothing but HLG lighting in my personal grow. I veg under HLG 300s in 4000k and flower with HLG 550v1s in 3000k in flower. I do use some high amplitude florescent for make up lights occasionally in veg.

FWIW HLG has some pretty good science behind them and the scientific studies are available str8 up on their website. Plus their R&D pipe is quite active. another good thing is that they will really work with you on design service price etc.

Good folks over there I would def take stock in this outfit.


Good to know! You know your stuff! I will take you recommendation to heart and give these lights a little more precedence. Thanks for sharing all the valuable info!

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Hi Kerry,

are you related to this manufacturer or just a client?



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Are there installations in Ontario?
Would love to see your lights in operation.
Considering Progrowtech for adjustable and more Fluence because of the results thus far.
@plantopinion Instagram.


My two cents. Or more.
-if they arent washable they are already not on par :wink: with the rest.
Efficiency is irrelevant when one goes to high ppfd leds. More units are needed anyways. Not to mention we will all go to inter/side lighting for most even flower formation. Run a warm room with led. So theres times to heat and also times too cool with enough of them in a small space. So hvac and such may balance environment costs regardless.
Biggest thing to look for is uniformity for mass canopy. Like the fluence spydrx+ progrow ev700 bioslighting has one etc.
And adjustability of intenstity or height for various varietals. Vyprx+ or similar bar style led for highlighting. (If they’re rated for greenhouse cultivation, not to mention for air movement; its worth looking at)
This is where the HLg cannot compete.
Useless for commercial. Viable for homeowners.
Look up any mega commercial quality facility. Check out their fixtures. (Study coming out from greenlead and dr james eaves from laval uni)
Next cpl weeks, webinar online.
It has very interesting results from the prelim i heard.
This industry will change fast. The right companies will change with it. The rest will play off the “it works for me, it grows cannabis”
Cost per gram of production matters more than up front cost of a fixture.
Long terms longevity as well as micro climate management.
Quality will be the only way to survive if not one of the mega players. (Canada has 10s of millions of sq ft now in one year)
Spectrum is everything for quality. Intensity is everything for yield. What im seeing from the science studies and results posted online.
Instagram is a great vetting of qaulity. :).
Thc counts and things are relevant to a lab, and yield is relevant to ones quality of trim and amount of leaves produced during flower.
Ie removing a leaf to grow two more covered in trichomes is still a leaf not a flower.

What is quality? How much does that matter to your operation.
ROI is easy to determine on high value fixtures.
Cheap is never good in todays day and age.


what square of light need to? what price do you expect


I have several authors ’ methods-1 easy -vegetation greenhouse, 2 medium -3 full power for flowering.
the methodology for the epy star.
so to speak aggressive cultivation .
But for this experience, the grower must be old, hydroponics, make a nutrition schedule.
as I grown in soil+ led harder, but easier hydroponics , terra 100-120 days will give 400-500 grams per 1 metra2
hydroponics 600-800 but fertilizers need more 2-3 times(


While important, cost/gram has to be weighed against yield/sqft due to the length of the cultivation cycle. If my C/G goes down, but so does my yield, that real estate gets more expensive because I’ll have to make up the difference over the next cycle.

Prices for the product may be lower next cycle. High cost fixtures affect ROI because of this factor as well.

All things are not equal. Back of the napkin says that for a one year run, HPS still wins the day from an ROI perspective.


Roi does not have to be a one year turn around.
For HID thats possible as degradation happens much faster. Quality passively cooled led will easily last 5yeara with only 10-20% degradation (the one year equivalent to HiD).
From what i hear light companies hve said.)
In terms of yield… theres no argument that Led can easily surpass in yield and quality.
Not to mention scalability of growing space.
Looking at real producers with real hardware.
Cost per gram will be the only thing keeping The doors open by selling a quality product for less than the competition.
Amortization of investments is easier than making up or instantly increasing quality end products/results.


Im not against a combo system either. As there can be bonus to both types of lighting. And nothing ever is the best if everything, the science will explain it. Watch the seminar wiTh greenhouse canada magazine on cannabis hid vs led coming up soon. :raised_hands:


I just pulled 2.1KG of dryed bud off 2 HLG 550s in a 5x9 tent
Im sure I could of gotten more had I possessed a larger space.


Show us some pics pf your harvest! You can always add to the thread Show off your bud photos


Hi Kerry,

a 5x9 equals 4m² the manufaturer of the 550v2 claims to provide an output of 1,178 µmol/s but more realistic will be something arround/below 1.000. (If the spectrum on the website is correct the efficiency will be around/below 2.0 µmol/J.)

If you also consider loses due to absorption in the walls of your tent you will be at 400 µmol/m²/s. That’s what we consider as low intensity lighting and therefore your 2g/watt sounds realistic…

But thats actually the problem with the g/Watt calculation because on the same area you could easily get 2.8KG of dryed bud with a higher level of lighting. If we calculate with 4 USD/g that would be a 3.200 USD higher revenue on the same area within the same time!

Furthermore If we calculate with 11 Cent/kWh in 2 month the electricity bill would have been only 80 USD higher for the double amount of light output. If we also double that because of higher costs for HVAC we talk about 160 USD + Fertilizer, etc…

So from a business perspective g/W is still not an appropriate metric to get an idea of the whole picture.




Firstly that is not my experiance.

secondly thinly veiled insults as to my relationship to this manufacturer are one, not appreciated, two warranted or three , relative.

How do you know the absorption levels of the walls of my tent ?

Do you often make up assumptive “facts” to support your contentions?

Personally I dont care about your itemized costs or your price of a gram (more assumptions on your part)

Have you ever considered that some people may grow for the love of it and give their produce away to sick people for free?

Note to others