First time on topics just wanting to start my farm have land and water here what’s with the investors not wanting to jump in it’s a huge market…any thoughts network??? I have 300 acres and all the equipment to get started I’m a 2nd generation grower so let’s get this going. (928)243-3516 serious inquires only
Cannabis is currently fraught with question marks, uncertainties and greater than normal business risks. I know this from experience. There may be only one business with more of these issues surrounding it than cannabis. Hemp.
If you’re looking to get investors to come out of the woodwork, try leaking teasers of your business plan. Land, water, equipment and enthusiasm - as important as those are, may not be enough.
Do you intend to grow for seed, seed oil, fiber or medicinal extracts?
How does your location particularly suit your above choice?
Do you have special skills which particularly suit your above choice?
Is your farm currently permitted for your choice?
Do you have the local or regional infrastructure to support the processing requirements matching your choice?
Within the practical range of your selected processing facility, how many other permits for same have been issued and what are the product volume projections? In other words, how full is your processing pipeline come harvest, can it handle the coming resource peaks and what will you do if it can’t?
What are your expected costs and based on what your processor is paying for product, what will be your expected income? (need real data here from your suppliers and your processor … not made up numbers).
What do you expect from your investor? What are you offering in return?
In short, your current job is to make yourself as attractive as possible to an investor. You and your 300 acres are in competition with tens of thousands of other farmers and literally millions of other acres. Tell your investor what sets you apart.
(btw, I’m not an interested investor as I already have almost 400 acres of same right off my deck. Just offering free advice, worth perhaps no more than what you paid for it).
If you have water, you would be better off getting into the bottled water business. The market is not as huge as you might think. Most of the growers I know are sitting on inventory they can’t move at a profit.
JB thank you and yes we have 3 separate lots