The Birth of ExHale
Some 20 years ago I realized the biological function of mycelium. Before that for 25 years I had lived a life of a seed breeder’s son. My father always had a saying; “First the Seed”, when I was young we would plant thousands of crosses hoping to get 20-30 that showed promise of actual becoming a hybrid worth offering to the public. This process would be years in the making.
That same philosophy went into creating ExHale. It is well known that mycelium releases CO2 just like humans. When looking into the possibility of utilizing mycelial-cultivated CO2 for plant production it was obvious to me, it has to be a special strain that only wants to produce CO2.
With most cultivated mushrooms, your goal is to get mushrooms. Go figure. After you have harvested your crop what you have left is fairly valuable, mostly for compost, which in itself produces CO2. The gig is a mycelial strain that produces little or no primordia has more vigor and therefore produces more CO2 for a longer period of time. Just like a mother plant, ExHale just keeps cranking as if there is no end to the day.
ExHale came out of a true love of agriculture and out of the need for a less expensive, easier, safer and more harmonious way to provide your plants with CO2.
Glen Babcock, Founder