Seedbank: rocket seeds
Strain (bagseed too): granddaddy purp/white widow/big bud
Indoor, outdoor:7 plants indoor 1 outdoor
Tent, Room Size:3x3 tent
Lighting:Vivosun vs2000
Light height:20 in above plants
Temps (day and night):70-80
Relative Humidity (day and night) :65%
Added Air (fans, portable acs, heaters, dehumidifiers) : ac infinity cloud line t6 / humidifier from walmart (cool mist)
Ventilation: carbon filter
Pot sizes: soon to be 7 gallon bags
Soil, Coco, or Dwc: coco
Nutrient type: fox farm liquid nutrient trio soil formula
Ph numbers:5.8
Ec and PPM: haven’t checked
Water Temps:room temp