Getting ready to run a CPL tables of no till finally!!
Working on cutting down on expenses over the next yr, have some great helps from my friends so should be a good time
that good to hear i believe no till is the way to go. hope you will take the time to teach me when it is time for me to grow inside. good luck trying new style when you get the amazing results you or getting now treedawg.
No problem brother I will be running a fairly simple program , definitely different than the neem and malted barley program most are using. I’m a bit nervous but I have 3 separate no till farmers (successful ones) to guide me and chat with in ideas. Tbh I’m relying on lab tests for my amendments at end of each run.
It will save me a fortune in nutrient expenses!
and soil if you do not get insects?
First yard of no till living soil shall be ordered today!! Big shout out to black sparrow for the sick discount!! Happy to show ppl what his mix can do with much less to worry about I will be able to truly focus o. The plants
Went with 2 yards of the kis mix in the end so I can set up two tables and run all of the aficionados estates testers in the no till. I can’t wait!!
Also picking up my first boss 630 cmh tomorrow, it’s a sick light both lights in fixture dim separately and have a very nice ballast and great hood assembly. It out performs the gavita fixture in all of my friends gardens so I’m pumped!! I plan to buy 3 this round so I can have more amps available to set up my veg and breeding spaces.
Just running 25 gallon fabric pots to start with, moving to beds next run. Figured it was best to be able to remove any sick plants should issues arise. Next crop I’m buying a sick air filtration system that will ensure I don’t ever see mold again unless I forget to sterilize b4 I work on plants.
I’m pumped just reading about it! Can’t wait to see another beautiful @hoppiefrog harvest.
After my materials to make teas and top dress the whole crop will cost less than 3000 including the living soil mix!! Wow I spent more than that on bloom booster last run!! Crazy cheap to use all the bells and whistles just wow ,exciting!!
Also switching most of my 1000w hps over to 630cmh, going to make this room efficient!! I will save close to 40% on power and close to 90% on nutrients!! That will sure make bills a lot easier to keep up on!!
Woot woot I’m pumped, can’t even sleep!!
Going with the boss 630 w sunsystem hood, and phillips lamps. Already got one going it it’s a super nice light throws a great 5x5 footprint super even light as far as my eyes can tell.
Well that sounds like the plan
My program shall consist of
Earth worm c.
Insect fras
Coconut water powder
Recycle sil
I will be making my own grokashi
Corn sst
Malted barley
Epsom. Salt
Fish bone meal
Oyster shell flour
And fish emulsion
Microbes I will harvest locally from the woods
And of course I will need materials to re amend
For less than 800 I bought enough materials minus enough compost to grow for 2-3 yrs to come this is an extremely cheap way to grow!! Exciting
Will still need to buy amendments between crops tho
I might soon have stuff that might interest you. I am waiting on my products. I am super excited to join you on the living side!