How do you ensure your products don't spoil?

We all have to make sure our shelves are stocked with the best and freshest possible products. We are constantly playing a balancing game in our retail environments to make sure so product spoils or oxidizes or begins to degrade. Unfortunately, virtually all our products are biodegradable and thus, have a limited shelf life. How do you play the balancing act? How do you ensure no product spoils or goes bad? How long do you let certain products sit before you reduce your prices to move the inventory?

This conversation pairs well with the conversation happening in this thread: What are your stock reorder minimum quantities?


Don’t buy water!
Also, regardless of what your using, try to store
resources out of the grow area or not outside. With powders I like 2 and 5gal buckets or transfer them into buckets with lids.
Small grows, Mason Jars of power nutes for storage.