How to tell your partner you smoke marijuana

Xanex is a powerful drug to reckon with dude. Extremely addictive. That’s awesome y’all worked through that tough time. True love right there. Glad to hear Lady Jane is working for u. So much healthier and affective than a pharmaceutical. Mental meds will fukk u up. I had a terrible experience last night and through out today with a thing called serotonin syndrome. Having the flu, I took some nyquil after taking my trazadone and busbar and mood stabilizer. I didn’t know what was happening to me. All I knew was I didnt like it. Found out it was a drug interaction between my meds and the nyquil which also makes the brain release serotonin to make u feel better. I basically overdosed on my own serotonin. Twitching muscles, confusion, slurred speech, paranoia, and my pupils got HUGE!! Meds specific to helping the brain release serotonin can be very dangerous. Xanex is one of those drugs bruh!! U probably had to go detox because ur brain was used to those pills helping it release the serotonin and became dependant on them. And after u quit taking them, ur brain basically panicked. I skipped my meds today so my brain wouldnt kill me basically. I still feel some affects. My pupils aint huge anymore bit they r still dialated and my muscles r still spazzing a bit. I’m able to make a sentence with out stuttering now and I dont feel like im lost in my own house. Stay away from mental meds if u can. I believe I’m going to quit mine and rely on pot from now on. After all it isn’t physically addictive and we have receptors built in our brain specifically for cannabinoids. God had a plan dude. Pills were for sure not it. Congrats on getting of the xanex yo!! Natural healing and medicine are the answer.


Could not have said it better. That is a true love story @ultrapuff. A true love story.


I grow and provide cannabis for my wife. I do not consume cannabis as I have a job that requires random testing because of the facilities that I service. I actually used to be anti-weed because I believed all the lies and bullshit the government and others spouted about it. She suffers from several mental health issues and PMDD, and she has taken several medications for it over our 15+ years of marriage. The longer she took them the worse her health became. Finally a friend of ours suggested she try cannabis. Wow, what a God-send! Of time she has been able to stop using all of her medications except a mild anti-depressant. I fully support her and love how healthy and vibrant she has become since consuming cannabis.

Here is a podcast she was on to tell her story.

I really appreciate this community as I am in an unfriendly state.


im still not done with detox… it takes 3 years till its fully out of your system… but it was the most horrible thing I have ever gone through… i cant even explain how bad… alcohol amd zanax are the only two detox in the world that can kill you… its just funny weed is still illegal in many places but the government sell worse most addictive drugs of them all! older people can’t stop taking it because the detox is so strong… they will literally die… its horrible. now adays i take hydroxzine and gabapim… probably misspelled that shit… but i find it better then the busbar now its hydroxzine…i stopped the trazadone which the gave me to sleep… but that’s because i started back with smoking… lol


it is… and shes fucking awesome dude… literally my best friend… no other words!


Ive detoxed before. Prefer not to say off what, but I know what it feels like bro. Stay strong. U got this!! After my crazy night the other night becuase of an interaction between my meds and Nyquil, I’m really thinking about just stopping them all. Maybe not the trazadone because of my severe insomnia. Pot helps some what with my sleep, but not completely. Smoking pot will help u come off them better. Make the ride smoother. Ive been on hydroxyzine before. It’s pretty much an antihistamine just like Benadryl. And I think u meant to spell Gabapentin. Nerve pain med I believe. Correct me if I’m wrong yo. Lol! The reason big pharma make meds addictive is so u keep coming back and buying them. Thats big pharma for ya. They dont care if ur addicted forever as long as they r getting paid. And they may even be getting paid for people going to rehab over their drugs too. Wouldnt surprise me if thats why some insurance companies will pay for rehab. Pot going completely legal across the country would put them out of business. Hint why they try to make it seem like its so bad for u. Thats my opinion anyways.


My grandson was born addicted to methadone… my daughter is on methadon from a clinic so it was expected… and this is where I am going with this… she had to give him step down doses of morphine to wean him off… that took 3 weeks… my daughter has been on methadone for 5 years… only failed drug since going on it was for cannabis…here’s where I really meant to go here… a baby of in 3 weeks… his mother on it for years… I told the daughter to tell her pharmacist to walk her down to get off it… he said he couldn’t she would get sick… so I went in with her one day not long ago and pretended not to know her… she had the same conversation and got the same answer… I was pissed… I wanted to grab him by the throat and shake him but I stayed as calm as I could… from there it was “Why does it take 3 weeks for an infant and a life time for an adult…” his reply was “they’re are apples and oranges…” shit I had to agree with that statement and told him so… he said “glad you finally see it that way…” I couldn’t believe what he just told me but it confirmed what I was thinking… My next reply changed everything… I replied back… “yep you are right… it is morally unethical to keep a child an addict… but to keep an adult an addict for $7/day for ever makes you phoney mother fuckers some cash for life… you WILL start walking her off next week…” well she should be off the methadone in another 6 months…lol… I know they could probably go faster but I will accept my win… I hate big pharma…


and when you go to detox, they hold you there for as long as they can, wing you off the slowest possible… serve the crappie food, have the shitty ghetto nurses amd charge 30k a month at least! its all a big well ajusted and well thought of money making machine! but yet our plant is posses a threat…


I tried suboxene in rehab. Only took a few doses. I was high. It was just trading one addiction for another. And I feel ur pain dude. I lost one of my best friends because of methadone. Its supposed to be an 18 month program of upping doses slowly over 9 months to I believe a max of 120mg a day and then slowly wein them off it over the next 9. she has been there 4 years. Not only did she get pregnant and have a methadone baby, her and her bf got pregant again on purpose while she was still going to the clinic… I closed that door quickly and never looked back. It was a selfish move of her and i lost all respect for her. We were bffs for over 15 years too. Something sad about what u said, it’s not supposed to last a life time. They r legit supposed to dose u every day up to a certain dose, offer NA classes and mental health help with it. Not just a replacement buzz. :unamused::unamused::unamused:When they reach a peak dose they r to be weined off it over a period of months. My ex husband was on the program too. I know it quite well.


Damn Skippy brother. Its all a giant cycle of fukkery. And thr only person who wins is the government. Not the addict.

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I’m probably gonna sound like an asshole, but most the people I know who use the program dont want to quit because its a cheap daily high. Leah would make excuse after excuse why she needed to stay on it. And I dont feel a bit sorry for anyone who chooses one addiction for another. It’s going to take the addict to just walk out the door and say “I refuse to be a legal addict” The whole point of getting sober is to be sober. I treasure mine everyday. Even tho I dont feel sorry for them, I still pray they wake up and realize they never even got sober to begin with.


The daughter was on birth control (injections) and I made her take me to her doctor to confirm she was getting them… so it wasn’t planned and in the end everything is working out… she’s clean the grandson is healthy and they come down to our place every other week to hang and give us our time with him… they are moving from 30 minutes north to 5 minutes north when their lease is up… and the daughter can get a job no problem as she’s managed and looked after cafeterias for a decade… so a restaurant is nothing and pays well enough and we can take the little guy every time she works… it’s win win and rent is $300/a month less…lol…

Nope you don’t… I know a shit load of people doing that and it’s free from social assistance or they sell their drinks… my daughter actually wants off… it ruins her day when she has to go and find the time or get sick… she did her root canal and another general surgery with no narcotics and pain killers… so I know her desire to gain the freedom…


Thats fricken awesome dude. Great news. I love to hear succusseful recovery stories. Ive seen pot help an addict more than anything. It helped me. So I dont see why big pharma just doesn’t replace methadone and suboxene with pot. Absolutely blows me away because this country is always complaining about how bad hard drug use and over doses have increased alot over the years. Cant overdose on pot. And its not addictive. Its a miracle plant that can and has saved lives.


She’s a pot head but functions no problem on it…lol… and Hyahusca bark is awesome for addiction… that’s why DMT is so great…


Natural healing is what I believe our creator intended for us. Yea we have opioid receptors in our brain but they werent made for pain pills or heroin. The poppy plant has alot of medicinal uses in its natural state. A friend of mine is constantly blowing my mind with plants I can pick in my front yard to use as medicine. And most have more than one use. She doesnt vaccinate her kids and ive known her babies since the day they were born. I don’t recall them being sick but maybe once or twice. She treats illness and ailments the way god intended. Its amazing.


thats cool

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Try the plant kratom. Lots of info out there.

I know methadone is the “Clinically approved drug” to replace oxycodone. From the testimonials I read KRATOM helps with the withdrawals from oxycodone. People who been addicted to Oxycodone call KRATOM a miracle plant. You can buy it online.

I have 3 plants I keep as house plants.

my addiction wasn’t in drug form. I did meth for 7 years and stopped the day I stopped. I did lots and lots of different drugs while I smoked canna. Since the age of 14 been smoking everyday.

I have to fight myself… my drug is me. Ego. Id. Whatever you want to call it. I am my problem. Canna keeps me from overthinking. I have to have space out timeframe or I will zoot out from my own thoughts. A million miles per hour. Everything all at once. Oddly enough the meth was more medicine than drug, for a bit of time lol. I get crazy hyper high on weed…

Have you ever seen the sky on weeeeed maaan…


I got to say Methadone is a life saver for thousands @swayla. It saved my life and helped me keep my job of 14 years at 1 of our largest Regional Medical Centers here in Oregon. Abstinence is a failing way of trying to kick an opiate habit. Is see the same patients coming in our ED over and over failing at sobriety. Medication Assisted Therapy has a 40-60% success rate if done right. Trading one addiction for another is an outdated way of thinking about addiction treatment. It’s a whole lot safer for the baby and mother to go through birth on methadone than street dope.
I was on methadone for 8 years and like I said, it saved my life and career. I’ve helped so many other people get clean by trying to give up on the outdated abstinence program. The success rate is around 8-14% stay clean by just abstaining . Versus 40-60% that do MAT the right way.


Congrats!!! I like success stories.