How to tell your partner you smoke marijuana

So does your partner smoke with you? Did you meet your significant other because of weed? Is your partner against your cannabis use?

Just some interesting questions. I have had a few girlfriends very much against me smoking/growing weed. It kind of broke our relationship and was always a contentious issue.

My current partner who I have been with going on four years, we met because of weed and fell in love for many other reasons besides cannabis. But our enjoyment from the plant definitely helps us work better together and enjoy life more. What are some of your thoughts, experiences?


I’ve found it’s so much easier to have a relationship with someone if they feel the same way as I do about cannabis. We are all very passionate people about this plant on this site. It would be hard not to clash with a partner if they didn’t feel the same way as us and medicate. I’ve had friends try relationships with partners that didn’t like the plant, and like you said @chrisj there were always problems and issues that would arise.


I’m currently in a relationship with someone who isn’t a huge fan of cannabis but will use it from time to time. His sister smokes weed And he lives with her, so we haven’t had any arguments yet (per say) about smoking but I’m a little concerned about potential future problems. Like the fact that I’m starting to grow my own weed. That costs money and takes up space. I don’t know how he would feel about my 4x4 grow tent in a shared living space. He also has informed me he doesn’t want me smoking inside but if I’m living on my own, I’m going to smoke in my house. I’m in illinois, so it gets super cold. I’m not going to freeze my ass off just to smoke when I can light incense or a candle and it works just as well. I wish he was as into cannabis as I am but he’s got to get into it on his own, I can’t push it on him. He’s tried some of it, maybe if I get good at growing he will get into it more. He understands I need it for medical reasons and is supportive of me, so maybe these things won’t end up being a problem. Just the concerns I have with a not so 420-friendly boyfriend.


In a very happy committed relationship with a wonderful woman who shares my passion( or at least puts up with it) but she is a connoisseur of sorts and loves to smoke the finest tasting champagne like strains. it would definitely not work if we didn’t have our routines with each other they almost feel weird without her so it has become quite and amazing experience since she is the first girl I’ve had a relationship with that smokes as well so it has been blissful and easy everyday


I met my current partner on the ILGM site. Couldnt b happier to finally b with someone who also loves to grow as much as I do. Never thought I would meet someone online but this hobby has a way of bringing people together.


The huskies don’t say to much about it. So i never bring it up…


I’ve been with my hubby 29 years He totally supports me. He was my caregiver at first. He Does Not indulge for the most part. He might try some once a year when on vacation. He is my tech guy whom set up all my lights, filters, air system , irrigation when I’m gone ,built my indoor 14×14 room and outdoor area!
He is an engineer…I am the grower. He has seen the benefits of the plant in me. It just isn’t for him.
It’s OK to be different and have different likes and dislikes. There must also be acceptance, trust to make a long relationship work. Going on 30…


I think its such a big deal, like basic beliefs, that it needs to be established right from the start. There are more people in the world that secretly support marijuana, than we know. That makes it worth the risk to discuss. Besides, do you really want to spend all your time with them without a bowl? I mean, the sex was good. But the secret can make you feel dirty or dishonest. Like you have something unacceptable about you. And that’s just not the case. Do you really want to have to sneak off to get your buzz on? Most everyone would take a pot head over an alcoholic. Love beats all. If its true, it wont matter, So just face it knock it out. PS- best of luck and best wishes to you!
I got lucky. My wife and I met while smoking a bowl in the back seat of a friends car while being picked up after school. We’ve been married for just over 20 yrs now.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Hahaha @Slym3r that made me laugh so hard my husky was like WTF :joy: that made my morning! My husky doesn’t mind it either. He actually protects the girls :wink:


Mine help defoliate lol


Mine supports 100% and looks after them when I leave on business…


I guess I’m lucky me and my wife smoke and have been together for 22 yrs hell she smokes more than me lol


We both smoke and the rabbit eats the trim :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yeah the wife and I do everything together… she smokes more than me but we love DMT, Shrooms and LSD just anything for a good time…


And those are definitely way more enjoyable with the one you love. takes me to a higher plane every time than just with my homies, not to sound too hippieish but you truly feel the love more


My bf is a truck driver so he cant. When we first met and started dating I made it very clear I refuse to quit smoking for anyone regardless of ur who u r to me and I have legit left a 4 year relationship because I was told I have to quit or they will break up with me. I made it easy and just packed n left. Lmao It’s my medicine. And if james were to ever tell me its him or the smokeage…guess I’m single lmao. Blunt but honest. Luckily he supports me 100% and encourages me to smoke. He even purchases it for me. If I’m being a bitch, he’ll ask me if I’ve smoked today. And if im out and I’m broke until next check, he makes sure I have my herb. He is super supportive of my smoking and my growing. He’s even helping me purchase some of my grow tent supplies with his christmas bonus. He has talked about building me a shed specifically for growing too in the near future. I couldn’t ask for a better man when it comes to this category. The only advice I can give to anyone dealing with a “its me or the weed” type person, get tf outta that relationship. No one needs that type of negativity anyways Haha.


First date I ever had with my wife we smoked a fat joint and just chilled the fuck out… 8 years later we still smoke bowls together… but I’m from California it’s a way of life here… but same beliefs is a must… true love is being a friend and partner no matter what… as long as they accept it… life’s hard enough no need to try to please someone just to be in a relationship


well,my story goes actually both ways. i have anxiety issues from when i was in the army. and when I was in the army I was prescribed zanax… and took it for many years. And when my wife and I first met, i was having a really troublesome time do to trying to get clean and going to multiple detox centers to find the right help to detox and everything. my girl knew I smoked from the get go… but after i got clean, which its been 3 years and I still feel the detoxing effects…i was feeling a little better and started to smoke bud again… and my nerves still were very on edge and i had to end up taking a very low dose of zanax and consequently had to got back to detox the second time… both times were a month. because of that my wife became extremely against weed. my nephews would come over and spend the night and he would blaze and she would be extremely pissed… she couldn’t even smell weed she would get pissy… now that my detox from that medicine from Satan is almost over ive started smoking again… and we both know that its cool for me to smoke now that im better. but for like 6 months I was smoking behind her back… sneaking off too smoke… and i would lie and she would catch me… it became so fucked we actually broke… now that shes accepted the real me that doesn’t has too lie, that can do my things without all these secrets… it just feels right… everything flows… and guess what… she started smoking weed and doesn’t take sleeping meds anymore and couple other meds she use to take before… and lets keep it real… being with this guys here is the shit… if you can’t be yourself and express what your true passions are… You’re living a lie… you might like it… but it will tear yall apart.