How to use worm casting with feminized seeds

Hey everyone, I bought a fresh pack of light mix soil and I want to make a mix with worm casting(not liquid). Is there a good rate to mix soil and worm casting and I’m open to any recommendations to add to mix?
Also should I put them directly to the mixed soil after germination or is it better to start with light mix and add worm casting when its transplanted to bigger pot?

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I’m a semi-newbie. I grow in soil and have always added worm castings (solid) to my soil; usually about 1/3 cup per 3 gallons of soil. I also add about a Tbsp of neem seed meal and 1/4 cup Neptune’s Harvest per 3 gallons soil.

Neem Seed Meal

Neptune’s Harvest


Hi @delizirvasi

Best to add worm castings to both pots, its a great source of nitrogen for the plants and much is needed during the vegetative state of growth. If you able to get the liquid, its a good idea to add some worm tea too during the growth every few weeks or when plants need.


For mixing light mix soil with worm castings, a common ratio is about 1 part worm castings to 3 parts soil. This provides a nutrient boost without overwhelming the plants. You can mix the worm castings directly into the soil before planting or transplanting, but it’s also effective to add them during the transplant into a larger pot. Worm castings can be especially beneficial as a top dressing or incorporated into the soil at transplanting, as they improve soil fertility and help with moisture retention.


I tried worm castings but i found that you have to add more over time and if you dont you will get a deficiency. I wont use worm castings anymore. I kiss or keep it stupid simple. So the more you put into a plants mix the easier it is to have problems and at the same time you cant figure out whats causing issue because there is too many variables now and or additives to find and pinpoint the problem.
@delizirvasi it doesnt matter if its regular seeds or feminized seed. Make no difference in how you would use them.


I love worm castings it personally works hand in hand with Gaia Green nutrients I do top dress once a month but it takes 1 tablespoon per gallon of media that you are using idk worm castings an Gaia green have played very well in my garden but if I can help in any other way please lmk


No worm casting are great. I dint add more and it gave me issues and i didnt want to keep buying it. I even built a composter and almost bought worms also. But i got my nutrients dialed in now so i dont usually change anything now. And if i was going organic 100% i would be using worn castings and rootsorganics full nutrients line.


I fully understand an respect it don’t get me wrong I really wanna try Dakine420 nutrients an I also wanna try Lotus which I know @wow_arizona uses and gets Phenomenal results but I can’t lie I LOVE THE TERPS that I have achieved with Gaia Green


If you’re liking the results, you’re getting, then stay where you’re at. Maybe take one plant, get a starter kit of the lotus stuff, and do an a to be comparison. I’m not sponsored by them, I just got good results with their stuff.


Oh I fully understand but I do also see your results and I’ve got a friend up here who also uses it but yea no for now I’m staying exactly where I’m at