So starting to bottle some up and decided to get a few additional humidity gauges. The Acurite has been sitting on my desk for years. I have been using the Inkbird and moving between bottles. Just bought the 12 pack of Binfrog gauges, I guess they are called.
Well, nothing is consistent. At least all the small ones read the same. Pretty frustrating and hard to know what’s true at this point. Can’t even calibrate. So Cal and it is super warm and dry right now.
You get what you pay for…
6:30 am somewhere in the world and I have coffee on my screen!!! “You get what you pay for” I am sitting with the cheapest DVR CCTV system I could buy, took me 2 hours to install the camera’s and it stopped working after 24 hours. As the saying goes cheap is not always… let me finish my joint. Thank you for the reflection on myself, I am laughing at ME. Thanks for the headsup, I am no longer buying cheap stuff. We both now know what the solution is to buying equipment that works.