Humidity Question

What’s your go-to solution for high humidity in your grow room? I’ve seen a lot of growers struggle with airflow and moisture buildup, especially in sealed environments. Do you rely more on dehumidifiers, HVAC tweaks, or something else? Curious to hear what’s working best for you


bdub welcome to the community and a very good question Dont know the size of ur grow area but spider farmer has a outside the tent dehumidifier


A good fan to remove air from the room bringing in new dry air and fans blowing at all times…I never have a problem with humidity even if it rains for a week…I’m in Virginia though…I’m sure that makes a difference too is location…even in the summer with 100% humidity outside…I’m good just with airflow


Airflow definitely helps, but Texas humidity hits different. Even with fans running 24/7, the air coming in is already loaded with moisture. If I relied just on airflow, my RH would be through the roof—especially in the summer. That’s why a solid dehumidifier is a must here (I think) to keep things dialed in. What’s the average RH in your grow space?


How big is your grow space. My safe answer would be a dehumidifier. Spider farmer has a dehumidifier that goes outside the tent. And AC infinity has a 4 in 1 system. I have heard good things about both


Ive heard the reheat tech is the new way.

Reheat dehumidification is where you put humid room temperature air through an air conditioner coil which removes the heat and humidity, then you heat the air.

Reheat dehumidification is a system that heats air that has been cooled and dehumidified. It’s used to control moisture levels in buildings without overcooling.

How it works: An air conditioner cools and dehumidifies air. A reheat coil heats the air back to the desired temperature.

Benefits: Prevents overcooling, Helps control humidity and temperature, Improves indoor air quality, Boosts productivity, and Improves occupant well-being.

Drawbacks: Can be inefficient and Less effective than using high-efficiency dehumidifiers.

Types of reheat dehumidification:

•Hot gas reheat: A reheat coil tempers cold, dry air to prevent overcooling.

•CHW return based reheat: Chilled water transfers heat back to the supply air to provide reheat.

•Modulating hot gas reheat: A modulating reheat hot gas valve allows only the needed amount of reheat.

Reheat dehumidification is commonly used in retail spaces, such as grocery stores and small bakeries.

I plucked this info off google search.

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Im able to keep my entire house in the 60s. I am running a few humidifiers and a bunch of moist plants around. Lol

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Ok, cool, i’m gonna do some research tonight and get back to this post tomorrow.


What brand of dehumidifiers are u using?


Now that seems out of hand lol… I guess in a commercial grow its a thing. But a home grow with the power prices here in the northeast… Well at least here in NY. The power bill would be higher than Willie on a plane


i’m looking to do an industrial grow…


Lol. Its suppsed to be similar to your current hvac usage. Commercially of course.

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I use a dehumidifier in my lung room.