Can I recycle the water from my hydroponic crop, when it is delayed by the cold?
that is to say, I have water from past weeks and as it is blooming I think that I would not take advantage of the formula of the following week, that is why I ask if I can recycle the water from past weeks, my recycled water is well oxygenated and of PH balanced
thanks friends
I do not grow hydroponic… I wouldn’t… but that is just me… I will bring some people in… you might have to clarify your question for them… time will tell… @MK3_Pharms @tdubwilly @hoppiefrog @Packee
tanks mate
And anyone else who wants to tag in a hydro person feel free… let’s get @valsdor his answer…
@devjyarn what do u think imo for a home set up it’s pricey to filter water to reuse and it’s a stab in dark to reuse w no lab tests so cheaper to start fresh as u donk know what nutes the plants depleted at what rate
then water change is necessary, even if you repeat the same nutrient formula for the following week, they go in week 5 and look like week 2
Not a hydro guy sorry.
yeah but you know everything… at least to me you do…lol…
Most things yes. I’ve never wanted to grow hydro as its not as forgiving as other media forms.
I still try to convince myself to buy a aerocloner or dwc. Then when I’m ready to click buy. I always back out.
Not that their is anything wrong with hydro. Just not familiar with it
If I did hydro I would not as a home grower reuse the water… if that is the question… if on a large scale there were many companies in Vegas selling the set ups…
…lol… I only DWC clone and have done a couple real small DWC stealth box grows…
Do you have spare nutrient solution that you mixed some time ago but did not use? If it has been sitting unused for a few weeks I would feel comfortable using it for a feed once readjusting the pH.
There you go @valsdor… I have nothing but respect for @devjyarn and every one else I tagged in and so far the ones others have tagged in…
I’m just about set to run my recycling drip system in my veg space. All nutrient solution drips through the rockwool then comes back to the reservoir.
I adjust my pH daily, and top off with a 1/4 strength solution as the water levels drop. My veg EC is 1.6 so my top off solution is 0.4
I will mix a new batch of nutrients once I have topped off a volume equal to the original reservoir. For example, if my reservoir is 7 gallons and I am topping off with 1 gallon of quarter strength nutes every day, I will drain then mix a new reservoir after 7 days.
friend, if it was used in the same crop, but I think it was not completely used for the cold, I have noticed that when they use it, when I make the change the water comes out clear and these waters of the weeks I want to recycle are still very colorful , I think that if they have nutrients, PH and EC are correct, I use coconut fiber as a culture medium and the system is of flow in addition to using air stones in each container, I think I can experiment in trying something like what you are going to do
@valsdor Can you tell us some more about your grow? I want to understand how you are giving your plants their water, and if you are collecting the water that is dripping out of the bottom of the plants.