I hate it when a pest or disease I can’t readily identify sneaks it’s way into a garden! It looks like something snowed on your plant! I’m going to call out @ARBICO here to see if they can’t take a stab at this one.
It’s pretty hard to tell anything too apparent from the photos, but I did some digging this morning.
Are you certain that they’re eggs for sure? One of the pictures looks looks like it could be some wet fungal growth. If they are eggs for sure, it’s reminiscent of wet mealybugs.
I think the good news, at the moment, is that it doesn’t look like any of the major pests like whitefly. I’m curious to see if anyone else knows. Is this the only plant that you’ve seen it on, or are you seeing this on others in your garden?
Thanks for looking into it. I’m not positive that it is eggs but under the scope, that was my best guess. Of 6 plants in that garden it is the only plant with this and it only appears to be in 1 or 2 spots on lower branches. That plant also suffered from a few sections of bud rot, again, the only plant with that issue as well. It is now out of the garden while the rest of the ladies finish.
At first glance I thought THC crystals! Silly I know…
Glad to hear it’s been removed. Any chance you poked or prodded them? Not to be too technical, but were they squishy/gritty/hard/soft/rock-like?
Shoot, I wish I had but did not. As harvest progresses, I’ll watch for any more instances and get better photos and give it the Poke test.
Hey Wes @emeraldscientific Great post, pictures and question!
I think @elachance or any other @pathogendx team member could help in case this is a fungi, mold or mildew issue.
They have testing equipment that could possibly tell you what that is on your plants.
Hope this helps.
Happy chatting and growing!
~ Kareenabis~
I have seen something like this once before and we think it was a form of slime mold. Strange.
I have never seen anything like this before. The don’t look like eggs. There are some strange insects that have fuzzy eggs. But, these don’t look like any of the ones I know.
This does not look like any slime mold I have studied. I have a special place in my heart for slime molds. I think I had close to 50 slime mold slides in my collection. Missouri was a great place to find a broad selection of slime molds. Up here in Minnesota we only have 4 or 5 slime molds with any regularity.