Hey Everyone.
I wanted to let you know we are rolling out with a Group Captive Insurance program which offers you insurance that you can’t find anywhere else. Crop Failure, Government Intervention, Loss of Licence, Loss of Key Employee, Loss of Key Client, and more…
If for any reason you lose your crop, you can cover yourself through our Group Captive Insurance program. The added benefit to this program, aside from covering your ass where other insurance programs won’t, is that you get 65% - 80% of your premiums back at the end of the fiscal year if no claims are made.
The cost of premiums is just over $100K per $1MM of coverage - with the lions share of that returned to you. There is a $5MM coverage limit.
Message me for more information. This is unprecedented and 100% legit.
Warm Regards,
Elizabeth Becker
(Goddess of Phun)