Laughing Buddha from Barney’s. Just noticed this pheno was expressing leafing or nodal structuring where the preflowers usually form. Just curious if any one has dealt with this before and has an opinion on whether I should prune them or not. I have a feeling they’ll just end up being sucker branches at the end of the day. Couldn’t find anything online about this.
100% right, those will just be popcorn buds, but depending on your nutrients, growing environment it might be worthwhile to keep. I generally remove them as the growing season progresses.
Thanks! Seemed like that would be the case. This lady is only about a month or so in. I’ll probably pop them off when I clip clones.
If you have another I would use it, rather one that has those traits…unless you like those traits with the small sucker growth. I think it delays being able to see sex. I have had a couple of those throughout my grows. On some they went away as they aged. some didn’t.
Uhh new branches do not form at preflower sites. They form at internodes.
No need to be passive aggressive and wrong, bro.
Ironically bad rage bait. Now, if you’re going to come it like a know it all, at least have some basic terminology under you belt. What you are describing is referred to as lateral branching. Not every strain has strong support for its lateral branches. My bandaid haze prefers to just work on a few main internodal branches while the cheese gas I only have to hard top once because of how prolifically it’s lateral branches produce. Here’s some advice from a fellow novice, be humble.
Sorry about that @mista_ebs. I removed that user. I was hoping that interaction wasnt going that way.
No worries. I could tell he was trolling off rip, so I just returned it. No skin off my nose!