No I have a hydrologic ro
Hmm I will give it a run and see how a table looks
I’d recommend using the pH your media recommends.
It takes so much organic ph adjuster to muscle into place
Am I cheating if I use reg ph adjuster?
I don’t think it is cheating if it gets you the results you need. If you have to follow some strict guidelines to be certified a organic grower, that I’m not so sure about.
I mean technically sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid do occur in nature, naturally, organically, and the molecule is exactly the same for pure versions of either, synthesized or naturally occuring.
It is like water, does it matter your H2O was synthetically purified through a R/O system, it is still pure clean water.
That will solve some problems the EJ organic adjusters take too much to muscle things .tks I’ll give that a go tn I should prob flush the 4 plants that are off , should I flush em all or just the 4 sick girls the others seem fine (ATM but one more did show itself it was a different strain as well)
Some strains are more sensitive than others. The less sensitive might be about to show similar problems if things aren’t corrected now.
I’d pay the special attention needed to the sickest plants and make sure everything else is in the propper range and keep an eye on the rest.
If you get your entire system all matched up for your media, then I’d imagine you shouldn’t have any future problems.
Nutrient availability is determined by pH.
"The world is focused on Alkalinity vs. Acidity levels in our organisms, which are partially plant-like…
pH is absolutely vital for all organisms to maintain a balanced existence and life."
Bookmarked tks man I’m putting together a binder full of charts to refer to much appreciated;)
Cannabis specific charts
Plants seem to be on the mend already think transplanting when I did saved my behind lol, still correcting the ph tho I’m sure they will be happier in their zone
Figured out the problem lol I have the reminerilization cartridge on my to it ran out of calcite and ph is coming out of ro at 7.66
I flushed with straight water on the sick girls the nutrients were bringing the ph down close to acceptable so took.a bit to notice
I’m on board with TimBot n @zparkie2.
Ya th ph of soil was locking out calcium