Introduce Yourself to Growers Network!

Good morning, how are you?


Hey guys my name is Brent Smith Iā€™m from Nova Scotia Canada, I grew up growing my own veggies and fruit , we had 7 mouths at the table.ive been a medical producer for 11 yrs and grew my first plant in 1997. I run a 22 light set up using earth juice nutrients most of the time ,if not usually bio canna, I am in the midst of trying to set up a micro grow certificate. I am also a medical patient myself.


Hi Brent :wave:


Hello good to meet you



So nice to meet you, Iā€™m Cheryl or Pom, whichever you prefer.

Iā€™m curious about that, if you are interested in sharing?


Sure Iā€™m looking at a commercial set up with 9000 sq ft. It already has a great security set up and HVAC(that will need some work) price works out to around 20 cents a sq ft.the medical certificates take about 3.5 months to process,hoping the recreational certificates are as fast. I have two investors one owned the building. The only thing is they are insisting I use IPM (Iā€™m a 100% organic ,no spray kinda guy.but u gotta take the good w the bad I guess lol) they donā€™t want to take a risk .I would like to set up off the grid power production to be the first 0 footprint producer in canada , is kinda the end vision


Now that would be something, good luck!


Iā€™m here to secure a position in the cannabis industry, more ā€˜back of the houseā€™ type worker, but can be up front, I just thrive with a team in the background. I started cooking with cannabis years ago but never really saw it as medicine, real internal medicine. Since I started making, what Iā€™ve coined as Ganjolive OilĀ® & Green BudderĀ®, great stuff, but soon after my tonitus geared back like 2 paces and the ringing has gotten super quiet, my anxiety that Iā€™ve been riddled with for years is easing up, my depression doesnā€™t look like a dead end for me, the only thing is my passion and emotions are way more intense. Have to re-learn what been shut off for so long. Now Iā€™m ready to get my hands in some dirt.


I got a buddy whose spine has pinched a main nerve in his back and has had uncontrollable tinnitus for two straight years. He has to goto bed with headphones on or he canā€™t sleep because the ringing is so loud.

Which one is curing it? The oil, butter, or both? @turnernathaniel


Welcome to the community, @hoppiefrog and @turnernathaniel! Always great to see new members to the forum. What excites you most about growing?


I like the fact that you start with next to nothing and add a whole lotta love and you will always be impressed with the pay back in the end;). As well as it seems the in the pursuit of perfection and knowledge this will be a never ending storyā€¦


Great reasons indeed!

After nearly 20 years of growing itā€™s both exciting and humbling to learn how much I donā€™t knowā€¦it helps fuel the passion. Itā€™s so great to be here with fellow growers who share that passion :grinning:


My excitement around growing (by no means am I a grower) is just watching where itā€™s going, and where the industry is, the fact that there is an industry, Iā€™m super grateful, and before any of that, we need to thank these growers sisters and brothers. Weā€™re riding on their coat tails.


A family, thatā€™s a good question. I really wish I knew the answer. Itā€™s impossible to know, but I take a teaspoon of the oil 3 times daily, and I also drizzle it on food, I use the butter and olive oil together on some dishes, I eat the budder straight outta the jar and with food. I also use the olive oil topically and I smoke weed also. Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve done and itā€™s helped me tremendously


Oh, but you will be a grower if you spent time with us!


Almost hard not to!


Yup. I do agree. Iā€™m stoked about this farm gig.


Hey all, thought I would finally make an introduction to this forum. Iā€™m James, I am passionate about cannabis in its medical, and recreational equally, but Iā€™m more familiar with the medical side of it.
I suffer from chronic migraines, and I typically grow oriented to these. A few strains have snuck in for recreational but they are for my better half. I tried OG Kush as a last resort from a migraine streak of a month. I wasnā€™t against it, but didnā€™t know it would actually work and it was a last resort. (Before I got medication) Cannabis has offered me many positive benefits as alternative medicine to big pharmaā€™s answer to migraine medicine with fewer side effects, and actual benefits.
Iā€™m not new to growing, but Iā€™m not a veteran yet I learn every grow.
I recently purchased some CBD isolate to coincide with some of the strains I currently have. Iā€™m still skeptical of the CBDā€™s effectiveness, but so far very positive results.

I feel as if Iā€™m a prime example of how it has a positive influence on my life. Primarily keeping me functional to go to work. Which contradicts the lazy stereotypical of stoners everyone assumes. Cannabis consumers can be plenty productive in their life. While I canā€™t medicate while at work due to some policies, I do utilize the CBD heavily as of recent during work hours.
Thanks for stopping by.


Hello and welcome to the think tank;) .after 22yrs of growing cannabis and more as a Gardiner I still learn plenty every grow if I take the time to try and learn, I assume it will always be like that lol (thankfully).itā€™s a lifetime journey canā€™t wait to see where it takes usā€¦


New to this forum. My grow season is just about over, so I wonā€™t be posting much about my own grows for a few months.

I actually filled out the bio thingy, if you want a bit of info about me.

I look forward to growing weed with you, potheads.