To whom it may concern my name is Joshua Aaron Cartwright. By trade I am a chemist, grower, and inventor. I am currently looking for business partners to grow a brand with. I have a marijuana enterouge elixir that acts as a buddy drink before consumption. The drink makes bunk weed seem like the best stuff you have ever smoked. I call the chemical Limitless, it has the added benefit of boosting brain power as well as other side effects that can help society. I have perfected the recipe and looking for a chemistry lab that I can perfect and refine the process of making it to where the safest product possible can be made. I am also looking for a smoking accessories partner I can build a brand called toke accessories. I have many smoking accessory inventions. Check out my pics below. If you read my story see my pics and want to work with me please reach out by dm.
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Good morning and welcome to the Growers Network family. You need to try posting your pics again. They never loaded. I removed your contact info. Have your interested parties contact you via dm.
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