We are seeking investor/partners to build out 18000sq ft of garden space fully permited by Mendocino county. Please pm me for more details!
If this is collateralized by real estate, call me after 4pm PST today. Let’s talk. Khadijah 720-327-9522
Hello, My name is Kit,
I am a Horticulture Engineer/Floriculurist with a strong Management background, grew up farming, unfortunately living in EU- would definitely need some training on Cannabis but I would be interested to work on a commercial farm. Please message me if interested, Kit (interested to go back to school for chemistry or biotechnology part-time, if you have any scholarship set up please confirm). Email: kit.toth.86@gmail.com
Hi Fester Adams,
My organization Cannabiz Cash Professionals LLC is able to provide unsecured (no collateral required) loans to get your business started or expanded.
Contact me to find out more information on the different cannabis friendly loan products I have available.
Tony Rullo
Cannabiz Cash Professionals LLC