Irrigation and Control System

Starting indoor grow 500+ legal grow in OKC!! its my first time growing that big. any tips on what irrigation system to use? Climate control system? Would be Appreciated!


@devjyarn can probably help you there he’s a great resource :hugs:


Thanks @hoppiefrog! @yaayitszach I can definitely give some guidance, but I’ll need a bit more info about your grow style and site. Are the climate control devices (AC, dehumidification, etc) already sized for your grow space? What kind of medium do you grow in and what type of fertilizer do you use?


hydroponic with some LST. we are working on sizes. bud I don’t know what kind of medium I should use. What’s the cheapest most efficient?

we did outdoor last year and a small indoor grow but we went with fox farm product from medium to nutes, but they don’t sell commercial

I’d figure out what your grow style and nutrients will be before storing out the irrigation. Flood and drain versus drip, recirculation or drain to waste. Compost teas versus powdered hydroponic nutes. They all have different kinds of planning.