Is Cannabis Good or Bad for Mental Health?

New article on Scientific American:

The physicist Richard Feynman has been popularly quoted as stating that if you think you understand quantum mechanics, then you don’t. It is perhaps not a quantum leap to make the same claim about cannabis. The cannabis plant is not a single substance, but rather contains more than 500 identified chemical constituents. More than 100 of these are cannabinoids: when ingested, they interact with a naturally occurring communication network in our brains and bodies known as the endocannabinoid system. As a result, varying permutations and combinations of cannabis dosages can affect many physiological and psychological processes in different ways, including gastrointestinal function, appetite, pain, memory, movement, immunity, inflammation and mental health.

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Personally, I get sad, anxious and depressed if my stash gets low. Does that count?


I actually think it’s one of the better tools to control/treat a lot of mental problems. It might take some initial ups and downs if you’re unfamiliar with the effects of using cannabis but if its long term there are very few conditions that aren’t in part helped by solid rest and a hearty appetite.


The problem with any general statements about Cannabis is that it produces hundreds of pharmacologically active compounds whose actions are largely based on the consumers physiological state at the time of consumption. If you add on top of that the complex mutualistic interactions between said compounds, then it would follow that only woefully inadequate generalizations can only be made at the chemovar level.