Job Descriptions Budtender + Retail Store manager

I thought the Growers Network Community might find bonafide expert created Job Descriptions helpful for your business. I have the personal pleasure to deliver educational talks around the country on HR and compliance. I often ask the participants, who are owners and managers like you, how many people in the room have well vetted up to date job descriptions in place for every employee? About half of the hands sheepishly go up. It’s kind of disconcerting to me because I know that having them in place can really help managers and employees to become more successful at working together. If managing is the art of getting things done through other people then it stands to reason, communicating what everyone needs to be doing to them, on an individual basis, is a key component of managing. Job descriptions are also important tools in other ways when it comes to worker’s comp claims and believe it or not, they can even help you write better job ads.
At the bottom of our site you will see links to two job descriptions. Please feel free to download and make changes as you see fit. I hope they help. There are no lead capture forms or anything in the way of grabbing them for your business.

If you ahve any questions please let me know.