Jordan Harker - New Growers Network Community Manager

Please give a warm welcome to @Jordan, the new Community Manager for Growers Network!

Jordan joins us with a wealth of knowledge from managing the largest online forum for autoflowering cannabis: the AutoFlower Network. Jordan is also a grower himself, and lives in Pueblo, Colorado. You will see him on the forum, at tradeshows, and at a grow operation near you. Make sure to say hello!

Welcome to the community, Jordan. :slight_smile:


Hello everyone!

I am proud to be part of this community and to have this opportunity here to meet so many brilliant educators, growers, and innovators!

I honestly was looking for a business networking group for cannabis based businesses out of Colorado and it seemed like slim pickings, seemingly either no one was interested or they simply didn’t exist. A few weeks ago I saw an ad for Growers Network on Facebook and said “well, this SOUNDS like what I’m looking for… is this the real deal?” A lot of e-mails, phone calls, and a plane ticket later and now I find myself managing the very community I was looking at for business opportunities.

A bit on my background, I’ve managed the online community with the Autoflower Network (over 25,000 registered home/hobbyist growers) for years (celebrating my 6th year with the site and the site itself celebrated it’s 7th anniversary this last New Years Day!)

My mission is to empower this community, to identify your needs as growers and providers of services and products and why you are even here in the first place and make that worth your while and to build on that value. You’re here to find solutions to obstacles and I am a solution provider, whether it’s helping to make a connection with someone who is the right fit for the task, the right technology for the job, or the right service for the right need.

I am always learning and that never stops for me. I love asking questions, I’m genuinely inquisitive, and looking forward to meeting the people that I set out to find before this was ever even a thought on my plate and lo and behold, here you all are.

I hear the mantra “stronger together” mentioned around here, my person mantra is “better together.” That’s how I knew this was going to be a fit for me. In time, we’ll be even stronger and better together as this community grows together.

Thanks for letting me part of it and looking forward to helping the community!


Welcome @Jordan!

So everybody is aware, I will be gradually transferring community management responsibilities to Jordan over the next few weeks. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to either of us.

I will also (hopefully) be spooling the main Growers Spotlight feature back up shortly. Thanks for bearing with us during this time of transition!



Welcome! I literally just joined Growers Network with Resource Innovation Institute, and today was my first post. I’m equally thrilled to have found such an incredible and brilliant community. Nice to meet you, I’m excited to participate!

Katie Stone
RII Membership & Outreach Director


Hey good evening, very excited to have you here Katie!

We have some exciting and innovative things planned for this community and the majority of those things come from feedback and finding out what people are most here for, so don’t hesitate to chime in to conversations, post up information where you’re comfortable and knowledgeable, or feel free to message myself or any of the staff on here if you have any questions and need some assistance!

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Congratulations on the new position bud!


Thanks Erik!

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Welcome Jordan this is a great place to meet and learn, I’m Angella with cannabis I’m not on the form a lot these days because of the craziness that is happening in California transition. But this is a valuable forum. Welcome


Welcome and congrats!