Leaves and Insects

Any ideas as to what kind of bug is creating these holes? I haven’t seen a single bug :thinking:


I think they might be thrips. Look at the under side of your leaves that’s where they like to hide.
Here is a post that has a homemade formula to get rid of a lot of bugs that eat cannabis.



I actually believe that may be a pest called leaf miners. You can search the damage on google for comparisons… They cause some cosmetic damage, but really very rarely amount to serious damage.

Thrips are small insects that almost always are feeding on the very young leaves near the apical meristem. They are serious pests and require quick intervention ! Again, if you google ‘thrip damage’ you’ll get a pretty good idea of what they look like …

Good Luck !


You know, with leaf miners, you very seldom see the adults…I have seen them very rarely. In my area they are a small red fly that king of resembles a mosquito/fly hybrid ! The eggs are actually oviposited right into the leaf, so you never see the eggs or larva ! The larva cruises around feeding in the leaf and will leave clear little squiglies near the surface. Eventually these degrade and just present as holes…

I just went out and took a picture of the damage in my violets…


I’ve seen what look like little white eggs, best i can describe. I was using a neem oil and water spray before this damage, but it’s been a while. Might spray them again, see how it goes. I believe it’s good for thrips :thinking:


Thrips. I would say


Here is an article on Leaf Miners.