I have 2 plants growing right now both in flower same strain (Blackberry Glaze) one seems to be doing fine the other has canoeing leaves and minor color change any tips will help. It’s my third grow ever.
I haven’t grown in hydro so I can’t help you, ask @hydro to see if he has some advice.
Hows the roots and temp of reservoir also getting oxygen per bucket?
Hi @trose5983
From a quick look, it seems like your plants are battling a couple issues, one is they look like they are revegging, They have gone from flower back into reveg state. The shiny glossy dark green leaves could also be a sign of too much watering and nutrients.
Yes root are looking good temp is good there is plenty of oxygen flow.
Where is your water level at is the basket sitting in water or are the roots hanging into the water?
Looks like it’s suffocating, make sure the water level isn’t too high, try adding a bubbler to the reservoir.
Exactly what i was getting at. Lol
Roughly 3 inches between water and basket
Well hey @chefjonnyg good to see ya! where the heck have you been?
I’ve been hibernating
Sorry I’m late to this. Any further info or an update?
I’m curious to know what happened with the grow did u find the problem