Leaves curling, should I be concerned?

Here is an update of lucky today. Her leaves have a weird pattern on them (the newer ones) I’m wondering if it’s a zinc deficiency or something. Very concerned though. The ends of the leaves hve a little black and it’s got like yellow stripes on the leaves.

what’s wrong with my baby? :pleading_face:


Soil looks dry, what is your watering schedule/amount. Don’t be scared to liberally soak it when you do water. The caution about over-watering is more about frequency.


I was told it was overwatered, to let it dry out a little bit. If I stick my finger in the soil it’s still colder to the touch below the surface. I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s damp but it’s not completely dry yet. I usually water every 3 days or so until water comes out the bottom of the pot, then i throw out the water in the saucer so it doesn’t sit in it. I haven’t watered now for at least 2 days because I was letting it dry out a bit.

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What soil and what nutrients are you using?

I keep my ph consistent once i put my clones or seeds into soil so the microbe community they build up will be specific to that ph level.


I just switched to Foxfarm ocean forest soil mixed with size 3 perlite, coir, and worm castings very recently (when I transplanted). Original soil was organic performex miracle grow (I know it’s not the best soil, it’s all I could get when I started). I haven’t given any nutrients yet, have been trying to figure out how much to give and of what. These are the nutrients that I bought to use so far

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Ocean forest is good, it wont need any nutrients at first as its rich in food. The soil looks really dry in the pic above. Any time the top drys out thats a good indicator to water at least soon.


Also try adding some microbes or mychorizae to some water. I recommend Recharge as its great for beginners. Your plant will thank you!


That looks like a big pot for this stage. I guess there are merits to both sides of up-potting vs keeping the plant in its final container, but I’ve found in larger containers, the top dries out much faster than the bottom because the roots aren’t drinking that much yet, and it’s hard to keep a consistent moisture level, vs smaller containers. I’m sure there are watering techniques to overcome this.


It is just about large enough to start nutrients but this is not pH or nutrient deficiency related.

The markings on the top of the plant and the wilting are due to a lack of oxygen making it into the root zone. It could be due to over watering but most likely it’s more just that not enough air can pass through the pot or the medium.

The previous curling was simply due to a lack of humidity and temperature. Plant sweats out more liquid than its ability to uptake through its roots leads to leaf curling.

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I’m hoping that now that i transplanted it into a larger fabric pot, it will now have oxygen make it to the roots. I also added perlite to the soil mix that I’m using. Will it recover? I haven’t watered it since Friday, the soil is still cool to the touch about 1/2 inch to 1 inch deep but I wouldn’t say it’s “wet”. How do I water it and help it recover when the problem was that I was watering too much? The pot has changed so hopefully this new soil mix will hold more air than what I was using before. Hopefully the pot shouldn’t be part of the problem anymore.

You’re probably not overwatering, but it needs airflow. Point a fan towards the smart pot and stay the course, it will recover. The spotted leaves will not improve but the new growth should be fine.

Also, shake your water up a bunch before you pour it, that will help add more oxygen to the water. They breathe through the water as well.

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What happened with your grow

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curling leaves - watering issue (to much) - nutrient issue (to much “n”) - light issue ( too much intensity and /or distance from plant - consider this: your plant is young and during the seedling stage and early veg your plant can do/show some/many interesitng things __Generally if you leave it alone except for a bit of watering for 1 week should slove youe issues Consider this : in the 1st 2 weeks of growth use nothing except a good root stimulators and water , you have 3-4 months to play with nutrients !!!

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