I’ve been doing some research in LED lights and would like some input. I’m busy rebuilding myself a grow space and will eventually have it full occupied but will be going forward. My Veg space is 3.3m by 2.3m and my flower space is 3m by 2.3m.
Now for the flower space… I want to occupy 4 different beds… Being a 2 week harvest cycle… So each grow space is about 1.3m by 0.9m ±
I was looking and found that the Samsung 260w LED light bar give off a good range of full spectrum light and has a foot print of about 1.3m by 0.7m which is pretty good and spot on kind of…
Please advise any help. It is a budget build so I dont have plenty to spend and will be building up as I go… but for now… I need a good flower light at about a 5k budget price…
I’m a new grower and am very cost conscious. I bought a KingLED 2023 2000W LED and I am very happy with it. My plant (yes, I’m starting with only one) loves it and immediately began sprouting new growth. It’s a visibly happy plant! The light’s coverage is said to be 3x3, so you’d need several for your growing, but the price is good for a light that does all that this light does. It has both veg and flower settings and a well-functioning timer. No daisy chain and you might want to spring for something more expensive to provide that given the large spaces you are working in, but if that’s not an issue, I recommend this light. Read the reviews to learn more from people who know way more than I do about all this.
Spider farmer lights might be worth looking into as well, they have a slightly higher efficiency than the Samsung and longer warranty on parts.
The G4500 lights between 3x5 ft and 2x4 ft depending on stage of growth.
Edit: Unit farmer I’m having a hard time finding efficiency for and there’s a limit on how many you can daisy chain together. The par map isn’t great either. The king LED has this recommendation which is very strange for horticultural lighting : Tips for increasing lifespan: please let the light have a rest for about 20mins after 7-8hours working.
Thanks, tree trunks, for this info about the KingLED. I didn’t see that “rest” advice at any point in my decision to purchase this light. I’ve had it on an 18/6 schedule for about a month and will leave it there for another four weeks. Then I go to a 12/12 schedule. That’s going to have to do it for my little plant and if the lamp blows of otherwise fails I’ll be well within its full warranty period and I’ll cross my fingers that they’ll send me a new one. Fingers crossed.
There are a lot of lies out there. Be careful! I mean im running the most expensive light you can get and its 800watts. Im not trying to brag. How can that light be 2000watts lol for real! I spent more than 2,500 on this one light. @treetrunks is right start looking at spider farmer, HLG, budget led is ok. I have 8 fully equiped tents with massive amounts of equipment ask us before you buy anything because weve all used everything for growing and can guide your buying. You cannot be cheap with a light. Your trying to recreate the sun inside! The sun isnt cheap is it? Mother nature is hard to recreate inside!
It’s working well for me so far and I understand that it requires 200 watts of power to generate the 2000 w and of light – I’ve always assumed that this is because LEDs are at least 75% more efficient than incandescents. It’s a very bright light with a built in fan. It gives off almost no heat – I just put my hand within a half inch of the bulbs, held it there for the count of 10 and it didn’t even warm my hand. My plant looks fabulous after a very rough start with a wholly inappropriate (i.e. inadequate) little LED lamp. So far, (and I’ll grant, that’s not very far) it’s doing just fine from a production standpoint. I’ve got a long way to go, so we’ll see.
Well be aware ive been growing since 1998 and ive used every kind of light from white phosphorus to hps, fluorescents lol you name it. That lights fine for vegetation stages but you’ll see very soon when you flower the plant out how bad that lights is. Im sorry you got suckered into a crappy light. I always say buying cheaps is expensive because your gonna need a better light now.
I just got the spider farmer S600. Im curious about it for seedlings. Because i prefer the agrolite led t5 tubes with uv and there $29 a tube. I was trying to get an 80watt led for vegging. So i will test this one out for seedlings and cloning plants.
I use a cheap king led 100 watt claiming 1000 for my clone tent. Has a dimmer works great for seedlings and clones , my brother in law uses 2 of them to grow with…they work. He grows plants with buds but they are spindly and have small buds. Having good light is what ultimately is gonna make the plants grow properly and achieve the results you want. You can grow under just about any light. The question is… how good do you want your grow to be …. Especially after all the time and effort you’re gonna put into it. I personally should have waited and bought a good light to start. But I didn’t and I have 4 cheap lights trying to achieve what one good light can do. Between the 4 lights I’ve spent more than what good light cost. Just my thoughts and experiences