Legalization of Cannabis in Ecuador


Hopefully, at the end of the sanitary emergency we’ll have a sustainable community based on the cannabis industry.



Sharing a spliff from the other side of the seas. That is great news and congratulations for the hard work you put forward.


Of course there is a lot of work to do: self cultivation, access to special licenses from small organizations, last prisoner project…

We are the resistance!


Hi Paul. As you know Mexico voted yesterday to legalize recreational. There are things in the law, as with your country, that you can tell were written by someone that has no clue about cannabis. For instance I was reading part of your law that states the carry law. It says you can have up to 10 grams on your person of cannabis or hash. Don’t they know it takes a lot more than 10 grams of weed to make 10 grams of hash? Here they are allowing medical patients to grow up to 20 plants as long as they don’t produce more than 480 grams a year. A YEAR! I think we need to send our government officials to a remedial math class. I fart bigger than 480 grams. Any wisdom from your trials and tribulations dealing with licensing and dealing with a bureaucracy totally devoid of any knowledge about cannabis it would be greatly appreciated. I have already filled my cannabis club roster of the 20 max and have permission to grow on 2 large plots of land when we get the co-op of up to 150 running. Once the co-op starts producing we’ll have a sustainable community based on the cannabis industry like you are looking for. Good luck with your legalization efforts.


There are things in the law, as with your country, that you can tell were written by someone that has no clue about cannabis.

420% this is the biggest problem we facing. In our country, they even included we allowed walking around in public with ONE plant as long as its covered!!! I mean where does a “law” like that come about. Would love to hear more from @paulcoyote .

I hope you and your family are well @paulcoyote! , I have read in the news from Europe, that a volcano not very far from your location, emits an ash column of more than 8.000 meters and affects several provinces, also heavy rains and the rivers are overflowing.
P.S.the only good new, is an extra sulfur for the area, 16-S
¿how many ppm extra?¿who knows?
-Mucha Fuerza!!! stay strong!!!

Yes! It is a great triumph this law, with all the “buts” it is an enormous advance. We have to keep fighting for better access for patients and families.
And Education! Police, judges, attorneys… All of them must understand the laws and regulations.

Greetings from Ecuador @mayakid!

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Hi @chrisj, it has been a hundred years of misinformation and prejudice. We have to educate general population so this laws will seem absurd in a hundred years. Our grand children will laugh about it.

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Thanks @juliomagno for your thoughts!
Yes we had a heavy ash rain for a couple of days. The volcano is about 50 km in straight line from Riobamba, my city. I’m sure in a couple of years our land will be more productive because of the volcano.
In our elder’s tradition, volcanos are female, so they provide water and ashes nurture the land, as our mothers did.
The photo below was taken at 8:00 am from my sidewalk.
Be safe!


Hi @stevehayes.

We got the license!!! It is a 10-year license for seeds and clones. Hopefully by march 2022 we’ll be producing our own buds and extracts (with more licenses, of course).

Greetings from Ecuador.