Let's try this growing thing! šŸ¤“

[laughs nervously] uhhhā€¦ yeah it is. :rofl:

so iā€™ve been moving ornaments around all week to LST this plant. i CANā€™T do nothingā€¦


Would you believe I totally forgot I put that light up and the plants in there. LoL Iā€™ve been a little busy at work with season, doing sidework and then after getting home we went out to eat and then I - right to bed. I get on here and see my room and think - holy crud I didnā€™t check on them. LoL thatā€™s the best way to do it - set it and forget it rightā€¦
And Oā€¦ That is the best LST ever man, I wanna try it too. Very keen idea.


And then there were 5ā€¦ LoL
I soaked 6 seeds in all. I thought 2 weā€™re trash but looks like one was just late to the party. 3 of them are JH and then my 2 are Apology - free of charge. Ofcourse the JH weā€™re Sebring so those 3 seeds cost me about 75 seeds divided by $6 for shipping = practice free!
I have no plans for them after about a month. I might toss them outside, let them flower in the Florida sun and call it a grow. Why do I want to soak more if I have no intentions on starting the room up. I donā€™t know man - stop asking myself Loc.
So yup . Thatā€™s that!!

They havenā€™t got water since they were germā€™d. I might have to give them a drink tomorrow. Maybe a dash of recharge since they are in a half used soil / Ocean mix. Oh yeah - 1 of them is str8 Ocean soil too. I did it just to see if it kills it. My 1st grow was all germā€™d in ocean also when I didnā€™t know better and maybe 2 of them died from I think it wasā€¦ The soil.


i know just what you mean. lets just do it and see what happens. :rofl: well gotta go feed my little soul sister. :green_heart:


Hey @LoCoRocK. ā€¦Whatā€™s up ???

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The canna familia has grown in my room. I sprouted a couple White Caviar from Prey & 2 more Lemons chz from Sebring. I think today is 2 weeks on the lil guys and a whole new life cycle to start for the sprouts.

I also transplanted a Lil seedling that was looking awfully yellow. You can see her green coming back. One day Iā€™ll stop goofing off with the old soil.

And the new sproutsā€¦

I also had to fish out an upside down grower, flip her around and deshuck the Lil 1.


Ok loco way to goā€¦engaging back into growing are weā€¦good stuffā€¦canā€™t wait to see the progressā€¦


Our pool has been closed for 6 months while.they redid the pool, concrete pad, landscaping, electric and so on. We had the cabana bathroom stuffed with all the furniture so no oneā€™s been in it for 6 months. What a nice Lil spot for a rat nest ā€¦ I grabbed him with the Go-fer pick up tool and Roger Clemensā€™d him. Their just dirty lil guinea pigs is how I see it. Tic tic Boom :boom: no worries - nature will.make plenty more.


i freaking hate rodents. ugghhhh. i would move. throw the toilet away, toss in a hand grenade, maybe a flame thrower. no no no no no!


Get urself a rat terrier or Jack Russell!!!


One of the best night launches Iā€™ve seen. I had visual for atleast 3 minutes. It was very cool :sunglasses::sunglasses:
I couldnā€™t get a pic of the landing burn which only lasts about 20 seconds.

It never gets old man. Just a turksat satellite, no ppl this go but itā€™s getting more and more common and safer with ol Elonā€™s gig. #goUSA


I bet it doesnā€™t!

Just the fact that they are landing and reusing those enormous, unmanned booster engines still boggles my mind.


If you think about it itā€™s not that big of a stretch. The military Fly drones in the middle east and the people doing it or sitting in Sacramento. Just sayin. :+1:t3:


A drone doesnt push 2 million pounds of thrust out a nozzle 6ā€™ wide. Itā€™s a controlled intermittent explosion.
**** The craziest part for me is cutting off the explosion and restarting it 7 minutes later for the landing burn. The heat that is generated during that 7 minutes of main engine burn is around 6,000Ā°F but yet the ENTIRE 7 minutes the remaining liquid O2 has to be kept @ -300Ā° F. How the fuxk do you insulate a million pounds of liquid when 50ā€™ away you have temperatures of 6K degrees burning. That is the mind boggling part for me, such a brain teaser.


Thatā€™s true, itā€™s all technology and itā€™s all amazing. I think itā€™s pretty amazing that that drone that dude is flying in Sacramento can launch a cruise missile and then fly that missile 200 miles and send it through a man door in the side of the building. Itā€™s all just a bunch of crazy scientific shit. Definitely love it. The technology that isšŸ‘šŸ¼


:speaking_head: of bombs and missiles. Check out YouTube on the latest cluster bombā€¦ They are called sensor fused weapons and the BLU-108 in particular is bad ass man. It is absolutely crazy, the main body disperses 6 ā€œskeetsā€ that scan the battlefield, decipher what type of vehicle it is and spin towards the target and blow a hot copper jet thru the top followed by a detination. Itā€™s like 3 bombs in something the size of a quantom boardā€¦ Lol for good comparison. But each skeet parachutes away from the bomb after openingā€¦ itā€™s a firework show with parachutes so cool.


Itā€™s very cool as long as youā€™re not in one of those vehicles on the battlefield.:expressionless:ā€¦:joy:


You were talking about the drones like the predator. Did you know that the stealth B-2 squadron leaves from Missouri. They fly 22 hour missions when they hit Iraq and Afghanistan and what not. They are not stationed overseas at Bagram or anything. They have a 7,000 mile range. LMAO that is pretty fuel efficient.
I only watch documentariesā€¦lol too much I guess


Donā€™t get me started on the ā€˜zipper-suited sun godsā€™ :joy:

They fly the plane during takeoff, landing, refueling, and the bomb runs. The other 18 hours?

Itā€™s a drone. :rofl:

But itā€™s still a rough job. Iā€™m done with breaking other peoples toys. Better them than me!

Aim High! (Higher!). :drooling_face::fire::dash:


Zipper godā€™sā€¦ thatā€™s proper, fancy like even. Makes me think of Stargate - specifically the gods (aliens) that enslave the Egyptians. A very memorable movie for me. One of my favorite trips w an old buddy whoā€™s passed now watching it in the movie theater smoking doobies in the front row with an empty movie theater to ourselves. Good timesā€¦ long ago. Aim highā€¦ :laughing: