Let's try this growing thing! 🤓

Beauties!..Nice growin man!

No clue on the oddity…maybe cuz she hasn’t got many laterals or just a pheno thing. Gonna be a fun one to trim up.


3rd pic down is Snipes autos Charlottesville Yesterday Sunday Morning… or something like that! I have 2 of them but I already got rot at the main cola so I chopped it off and the other branches are making up for it toot sweet like!


You guys might find this funny… I was on quara and hadn’t thought about this in a looooong time. The question was what is the biggest mistake you’ve ever made at work:

I use to work for a commercial maintenance company doing jobs for all kinds of businesses, malls, restaurants and the large box stores. We won a bid replacing all the hardwood flooring for a BBBeyond. I was deathly ill with the Flu on top of my asthma doped up on nightquil but we had to complete this gig in one week. We would work 6pm — 9am on these jobs so on top of being sick my sleep schedule was twisted. We also hired 3–5 laborers every night to help out and they usually are not the brightest characters. Second to last night of the job I had to drive our ride on floor scraper to the front of the store over our brand new floor job to be picked up. This is about a 5,000 pound forklift basically with a chisel on the front if you will. I got on the machine had my partner check it over for clearance and asked one of the laborers to follow behind making sure no marks were made. I also laid out some material to drive over to be safe. Made it all the way to the front of the store and I about puked when I hopped off and looked behind me. Putting all my confidence in the laborer and feeling like shit I didn’t once think to look behind me in my travels. The machine had leaked out all it’s hydraulic fluid dropped as low as it could go and gouged a 150′ trail in the brand new wood… LMFAO if your not familiar with hardwood repair it is a tedious task using a circular saw to cut out the tongue of each piece as well as the pieces to be removed. Not something you can trust a common worker to do. I’d say it was an additional 200 hours of labor. What was the laborers reaction when I almost puked on him — “I was just watching to make sure you didn’t hit anything on the sides.” YUP — life is a box of chocolates.

People wonder why I am so anal!


I swear man this is EXACTLY why I dont trust people to do jobs alone, I too have been in a couple situations like this My personal favorite was in the Army as a sgt an having Green Privates coming in thinking that they Know everything until you Get them down range an they shit their pants the first time an alarm goes off, Or the Whole attention to detail thing (we were a route clearance unit) an while driving one day with 3 yes THREE very green Privates an i was the highest ranking , As we are in the vehicle i tell everyone to make sure they are doing 5s an 25s (search every 5 meters out then 25meters out 360Degrees) an my one that i NEEDED to stay awake fell asleep in the gunners turret :man_facepalming: … SAFETY an ATTENTION to Detail … needless to say he ended up out of my truck but before that we made sure to WAKE him very nicely we turned the turret an i told my platoon leader to not worry about the shots he was about to hear I reached up an slammed my hand on the butterfly trigger of the .50 cal an idk if you ever heard one But When you are dead asleep an all of a sudden the weapon in front of you goes of …Yea shit his pants is definatley about right … I swear some people are just idiots …sorry for the book but had to share


Mi casa tu casa … Shoot… Army or service stories you can tell all day partner in here. My page has no rules… unless slymr comes and says you done a bad thing ofcourse. LoL but seriously it’s scary with today’s workforce dude. You know if that had happened overseas or inaction I’m not sure it’d be a bad thing. I wouldn’t mind having a guy feeling that comfortable in battle. LoL kidding kinda!! I’m putting firing a saw on my bucket list!
I think it’s time to chop Charlotte down!!


Yup… That’s about as much stress as a plant can take huh…


Uh-oh… This is the 3rd time I’ve seen one of these nimwits get themselves stuck. One time it was a little too late for the guy. Didn’t find him until the smell took me to it. Looked like I had a leather purse stuck in the fence. :joy:


Well… Who knew? Iguanas can’t go 48 hrs stuck in a fence. I forgot to hit moms after dropping the kid off at school yesterday morning so I made it by today after work. I’d say he passed approximately 10-12 hrs ago…I didn’t stay at a holiday inn but I have watched CSI… LOL


Alright harvest has officially begun, I got my ass up at 6:30 this AM and chopped the Charlotte down. Pretty darn smelly and I left it in the laundry room… I am goin to be in so much trouble when I get home… the kid and I hadn’t even left the house yet and the boy was asking what that smell was. :grimacing: Oops - Ē - daisy! I have 3 I’m taking this weekend if all goes well & then maybe 2 weeks before inside stops to fall. Fun times in the loco garden… Then I will be on hiatus until my house is painted and new gutters up. That’s the plan. We shall see!!!


2 down. Time for a bath


The pink :lemon:ade & Hindsight are the winners it looks this go at it. That one I chopped today was a seed from a dispensary bag and she was the frostiest from the outsiders. That huge leaf cola outside I’m gonna try and get one more week out of but I removed 2 colas of rot from her so far. She got some baking soda water today around the areas of concern. Imma have to stay on top of her like a dog in heat.


Okay…imma save some of you some $$$$. Don’t pay even $1 to see th new Jurassic park. Since when did dinosaurs become warm blooded. Everything we know about them and fossil plants show them in sub tropical climates. The new movie has them all living in snow. WTF and I guess they are as common as a squirrel in the wild now, they have learned to live with humans. LoL okay! Chris Pratt can stop any dinosaur by raising his hand and saying “no, no, - bad dinosaur”. I just cant even. Ill stop … it was so bad!


Woooly Boooly…what about The Original Snuffaluffagus…I guess these guys came later post Ice Age evolution.


:thinking:… One word comes to mind,:thinking: nope two. The first word is… FICTION … Second … IMAGINATION…

Is it as bad as snakes on a plane. Or any of those type crappy movies. Or was the acting and special effects at least halfway decent. Thanks for the heads up I’ll wait till it comes on Netflix or HBO or something. :v:t3:


It’s on peacock free ALREADY if you get that one… I know why too. It’s so bad! I know I just had a Convo about me being too realistic with movies about top gun. But why did they have to make it all in the snow for fudges sake? I wasn’t impressed with the animation neither. The baby triceratops was so robotic looking and you see a lot of him in the movie. The wife and I actually had a great time watching it tho tbh. It was just one folly after the other we laughed so hard.


Alrighty supposed to be a super easy fix let’s get going. Washer machine inlet water valve/mixer. So when the washer machine is done with spin and shut off or even unplugged for that matter water continues to pour in the machine. This is the doo-hickey at fault. Repair clinic wanted $83 … Amazon for $26 - gotta love it.


Okay…45 minutes!!! Minus a bracket and some screws but we all know those are just extra precautions. :joy: Yup!! That wasn’t so bad.


Oh snap… Patriots are in town and practicing 1/2 mile from my work at Palm Beach Atlantic college. News showed clips of their plane landing at PBIA last night and said they will be at the college all week for practices. I’m gonna drive by at lunch today or maybe tomorrow morning before work. Of course we are going to the home opener this weekend - Pats @ Dolphins baby. Fins have our # though man. I am NOT taking the wife it’s boys night out. Uh -oh gonna get in trouble surely. Every time I take the wife we lose whether it’s hockey basketball or football… Grrrrr


I need some opinions from my handy builder ppl… I got called to another property to put in a gate - they’re handyman isn’t capable & fence companies screwed them. Here’s need to know.

  • post on the seawall has a 4x4 in it - - it’s a hollow PVC post against the fence
    -post hole is 10"s away from fence

I’m thinking add another 4*4 post against the seawall side, screwed into existing. Forget the hole in ground and go kitty corner. Hinges on the right side with the actual wood post I just added. I don’t want to use hole in concrete as it leaves a 10-in gap.


Honestly the thought of people slamming the gate shut against a hollow pvc post could be trouble. Hard to tell by the pics.