Looking to Invest in OK Cultivation Business

My partner and I are trying to break into the OK medical market (currently in Dallas). But OMMA limits non-OK resident ownership to 25% of the business. Looking for the right lower middle market type grow operation for us to purchase < 25% of its equity. Would also love to have the opportunity to get some hands-on experience operating the business while we wait out the 2-year residency requirement, but that’s not required by any measure. Expectation would be that we cash out some portion of our equity after 2 years runs and our OK residency is effective.

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Well if you are looking for a grower I live in broken bow ok. And have been growing off and on for over 10 years

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Thanks much, will do. But my partner and I are just now looking to establish OK residency, so it will be 2 years before we’re eligible for a license of our own.

Also, Broken Bow area is one of our favorite parts of OK. Would be the dream to make our cultivation business happen in that neighborhood for sure.

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I have a consultant company I’m trying to get running and would love to work with you and your partner my name is Joe Payne when you are ready let me know and I will definitely help you guys get running even if it is 2 years from now.


I’ll ask around… I know a few folks in OKC.

Good to see another Okie @joepayne!


Thanks man

Hope the guys I work for don’t see this

Everybody wants to come to Oklahoma. Including all the illegal Chinese grows they are busting from okc to Beckham county.

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Moving that money around… Lol

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I heard about the bust but didn’t know that they were Chinese

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The mung are a group that are a bit shady.


3 or 4 busts in the ln the last month. Not sure how many thousands of plants seized. Licensed grows selling on the black market in NY, MN and Chicago

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