LSD Max from MSNL question

This 1 week old LSD Max from MSNL has pretty coloring. I’m just curious if anybody out there is familiar with this strain. Is this color a trait of the plant or do I have an aberration?


Looks like you might have a problem with the soil or water. New growth is lacking nitrogen. Might be nutrient lockout?


Time release fert possibly? Or did u feed already? Is soil reused? Check ppm of water if not.


I’ve got an AK47 plant right next to this plant that is using the other half of the soil I mixed. It’s not showing anything but green. This is new FF Coco Loco with Dr. Earth Amendments. If memory serves the ratios were 5 Tbsp Veg, 2 Tbsp General Purpose and 3 Tbsp Flower total for 10 gallons of medium. I forgot to mention these are both autoflowers. The flower fertilizer is there so that when it goes into flower it’s available for uptake immediately. The PPM of my water is 140 and I always adjust my PH to 6.5 to 6.8. I just looked at this plant and it’s growing vigorously. The light I’m using is an HLG 100 at the top of the tent. Lots of air circulating. My temp and RH are 77 and 50% with little variation. This plant appears healthy in every other way. I’m looking forward to seeing what this plant does in the future but I wanted to run this by everyone to get their thoughts. I’m still pretty new at this. If you have an opinion, chime in. I’d love to hear and learn from you.

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