Its a very bad bad ash tray! Them alien bongs are no joke!
The next generation of MAC1’s
I’ve kept this strain alive for a year straight already. I think these are the 4th or 5th round of clones. Can’t get enough
Bummer! My white caviar is a dude.
Might be fun for someone…. Anyone want it?
Pickup in CA
I started two of them last year and they both turned out male also. Luck of the draw…
Blueberry cupcakes from humboldt seed co
Blueberry muffin x wedding cake
50/50 hybrid. Anyone grown this one?
Little white caviar male is still hangin around. Looking strong
I really didn’t want to try a seed run but the opportunity has presented itself. Could make white caviar x mac1
Is it worth the time? And lack of smokeable flower for awhile I don’t want to be called a “pollen chucker” lol
Let’s call @PreyBird1 …
He’s the expert. But just for conversation sake I think you can let that thing flower out if you can isolate it and collect some pollen. And then just pollinate a branch or two of your plant just to get some seeds. You can get a couple of hundred seeds off a couple branches. i’ve done it before. Two different strain males on one female. Prey Will be a long and get y’all lined out doos and donts and all that.
Ohh you could easily make that. Why not try it, i mean you have start somewhere and might as well do it now. Also once you have pollinated the plant you can move it and get rid of the male. If you timed it right the other females wont be ready for pollen to even work on them so only one plant get pollinated. Also males can be cloned before you flip. If you flip and go more than 6 days its too late to clone them. Reveggin a male is hard to do. Ive tried a lot and never works out.
Caviar update
Decided not to do the whole pollen operation. Moved him outside to make room and it’s even happier out here.
Smells GREAT I hope the next seed I pop smells this good. And isn’t a male
That thing looks healthy for sure. It’s a shame it’s a boy
Thays gonna be a bueatiful plant when its done. I cant wait to see it.
MAC1 I forget when I flipped these and didn’t write it down. Lol. Week 3 I think
Currently enjoying some purple cake badder and raspberry kush from the club.
You’ve been running that same plant from the beginning? You started off with a clone you bought, didn’t you?
Yeah I’ve cloned that original one into at least 20 plants by now
I’ve got 2 more little ones growing
Happy holiday everyone
I just dropped 3 jelly ranchers seeds into a shot glass. This was a fun one that I wanted to regrow.
Think I’m gonna drop another white caviar as well @PreyBird1 I gotta snap another pic today of that male. I’ve never grown one this long but it seems to be getting close to pollinating
the blueberry cupcakes have already gotten so damn tall that I don’t know what I’m gonna do with these now. They’re gonna be really tall plants for sure.
Nice i loved my mac v2