Master growers needed in oklahoma

Hello everyone!! I am new to the community…As you all probably know Oklahoma has just passed the most liberal med laws in history. We wrote the bill, got signatures and got it passed👊 I have a 10k sf warehouse grow split into eight 1000sf rooms for flowering and one 1000sf room for veg. I have a small team of 4 highly experienced growers 2 have Cannabis Cups in 2015 2016. I am looking for 2-3 more Master Growers to add to our awesome team. We have no grow limits so the SKY is the limit. Please feel free to contact me at anytime to discuss great compensation package. 918-816-9442 Barrett


@Vangst_Andrew should be able to help you out!

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Hi Barrett, I just wanted to introduce myself and the biotech company that I cofounded called Infusion Biosciences (

We specialize in being able to create a wide variety of fast onset and either short or extended offset as well as truly strain specific cannabis infused edibles and drinkables.

We will be applying for a processing license in Oklahoma at the end of the month and plan on getting setup as soon after that as we can.

I would love to learn more about your plans for cultivation here in OK and ultimately be in a position to source your trim from you on a strain by strain basis.

I may also be able to help you out with a Master Grower. I’ll send you a text now.

I wish you the best on your new venture and with your help I look forward to providing Oklahoma with the next generation of cannabis infused products in the very near future!



What part of Oklahoma are you in ?


I’m in Tulsa


This post is the quintessential “times have changed” post


I believe CHANGE is good!