Mastering CO2

So what is necrosis ? Do you mean chlorosis ?[quote=“bradahhaole, post:4, topic:31032”]

Hey man Necrosis is cell death in living tissue. I always explain it as the browning you get on the end of your leaves like a nute burn.


Here is a good guide to high PPFD setups. Talks about co2 levels for the amount of light your running.


Gavita needs to make one of these for there LED 1650 @ 1700

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Okay thank you, I’ll keep a lookout

Great article. Thanks.

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Hey now you got me interested in the co2 set up. What brand are you using. Is it a kit? Do you have a link? Sorry for the questions. But thanks for the help.

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I honestly bought the hook up for the tank used, I’m not sure what brand it is but this one is around 120 bucks new. I’m using it in conjunction with the rain system. I am fortunate enough to work in a restaurant with many CO2 tanks lying around. All you have to do is find somewhere that fills it up it usually costs 15 to $20 to fill but if you have to buy the tank itcosts anywhere from $100 to $400 depending on the size


If it doesn’t come with one, you should get a CO2 monitor or detector that tells you the PPM in the room to make sure you’re not overdoing it


Yes i would want that also. Obviously this is why i havent done any co2. Im just worried that it would leak out of the tent and fill my basement with deadly gas.

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It’s not deadly gas they use it in soda guns to make the bubbles


Oh shittt im thinking carbon monoxide. Lol. Wow how did i miss that. Lol now i feel stupid. Sorry im dumb. Stupid stupid stupid. I have to go now.


:checkered_flag::checkered_flag::checkered_flag: no excuse now, now you got to set it

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Yep oh it’s going down now.


all way check leaf temps

LOL, Hey prey, at least you realized the misnomer now before you tried to explain to your wife you were going to bring in a CO generator!! She may have filleted you right then and there!!!

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Yeah for real right.