Media's: coco coir, soil, other types testing

Or are you meaning seed to final home pot?


To Solo cups bro you know how I do it :facepunch:


In regards to the Tupur… I got my best results from a 60 to 70% mix of Pearlie to a super clean, lab grade cocoa.
What do you think the percentage of perlite is in the Tupur?
Have you tried adding perlite or the like to 2per to increase porosity or is it good as is?
I’m wondering if you have ever heard or experienced what the benefit of the Forest products and basalt?
The info I read said that it provided micronutrients but after the first plant-available bits are used out what’s going to break that basalt down? I’m just skeptical as to whether that really makes a difference and if you had ever tested that. It’s like 15.50 per bag at pallet pricing so it’s right in there with everything else I’ve seen.

The way I got to the 60 to 70% perlite number and more towards 60% if I have split hairs was by testing in 1 gallon pots everything from pure cocoa to 100% perlite. the plants that were in the 60 to 70% perlite range always seem to do a little better. You end up with straight white layer of perlite up on the top of your pot …nothing wrong with that, gnats hate it. I also like that to per can be spelled a few ways and that makes it more fun… 2/… Tuper… 2per… Two-per… And I wouldn’t take the basalt for granite either. Sorry, couldn’t resist the pun.
The mixes that I used over the 60% mark worked well if you could keep them watered. Especially as the plant started to rage a bit… it would go through the water in the perlite too quickly or at different rates. That 40% cocoa seem to be the right amount to allow humidity pockets as I call them but still be a little bit of a moisture reservoir in the root zone.
I think of a 60/40 ish mix of perlite to Coco is “soft-porn” hydro. It didn’t dry out too quickly, easy to flush, and I got my best results with that mix. I think things like that depend on other factors like your lifestyle and ability to keep on top of things. I’m one of those guys who is completely against peat moss. I know statements like this ruffle the feathers of the indoor Peat growers but I control my pH with my nutrient mix and don’t appreciate another chemical sponge in a micro environment like a five gallon or so pot. Being ambitiously lazy keeping things simple always seems to pay off.


My hash plant clones and the mothers are in it now and i have used 5cf. Already and i have 4 more cf i just got. Great stuff! I may try that @scotty17


The tupur is crazy porus and there is a lot of perlite in it. And coco and little bits of wood. Im really liking it a lot. And im going to keep using for now. I have 80 plants in tupur right now. I find this hold water a little better than coco on its own. And is far easier to re wet. Because coco can dry up and float away. I have never used forest products or basalts

I will suggest you if you have time to test different coco:perlite ratios , that will be helpful for all of us . The only two things you need is coco ( or peat moss ) as good water holding medium and perlite as air porosity medium in different ratios .
Those are the only two components that are different in potting mixes , no matter what materials are used .

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Dry Weight Water (in ml ) Air (in ml) Porosity Water Capacity in % Air porosity in %
Coco 24.48 172 27 99.5 77.5 22
Tupur 28.2 122 60 91 61 30
  • there is different methods of calculating porosity this is ratio between (air + water pockets )/dry volume , most of people use ; the correct method is (air+water pockets)/(air+water pockets+solid) and usually mediums are about 40-60% porosity .
  • all materials in potting mixes are to adjust water to air ratio , there is nothing magical in them ; coco and peat are the most famous because they have great ratio water/air ( most of the material are really good in one of them and lacking the other , coco and peat they have from both ) , but still not even close to potting mixes with perlite . You can hear about coco how great it is because the air capacity which is not true , most potting mixes on the market today they have way bigger porosity then coco .
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