Merry christmas

Well just wanted to tell everyone merry Christmas and a happy productive new year, may all your grows be great. And just one question for people with grow tents when your lights are on do you open up the tent or is that not a good idea and when I say open I mean open it up and let it be open for a while air out so to speak thanks in advance ward


If my tent’s getting too hot I will open the doors or windows, it’s not necessarily a bad thing but you want to make sure to close it up before the lights go out. There’s also a chance of more pests and bacteria getting in through the door


Ok thanks that’s about what I was thinking

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I only open my tent if I need to look at my plants or do some training @ward. Otherwise I keep it sealed up to keep my environmental conditions at a steady level. Like my temps and Rh. I control those conditions with my forced intake fan, and exhaust fan.

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Ok thank you


I do the same as @Tygrow78. I check on things once a day. Maybe twice to smoke one and admire the plants. Then seal it up and let the fans do their thing. My ballasts are outside the tent as with almost all my controllers for everything so my heat just comes from the lights themselves. But if your controlling the environment that the tent is in “RH” then I don’t see the harm in having the door open either.
Sit back and look what you got going while blowing one down. Heck thats when most get them awesome ideas on what to change or upgrade.
Good luck on all your grows.

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Thank you , and good luck with your grows also