I had to do a greenhouse do to mold, and rot. Late season temp swings reck havic on them. Temps nice during the day, cool off at night, humidity shoots to 100% almost every night. Thank you @dequilo , I’ve seen your’s as well, fricken sweet.
Bottom of the thumb. Actually the snag in the thumb. Lol👍🏻
Last year was a very wet year! Mine flooded half of it
Ok bottom of thumb, interesting
Do you ever hit the "Grow Green " festivals?
That’s why I built up the inside of greenhouses this year with the rock, very wet. Sounds like we are pretty close.
No haven’t heard of them, I stay pretty low. Are they on the west side?
Lools like I missed it lol
I am in upstate New York at 1150 ft on the Mohawk river valley
falls are brutal here for gray mold and bud rot, I have a Moroccan Land race Hash Plant
that is 100% Indica which I love to grow inside but outside the bud will rot in front of
your eyes
way to hard of a bud, I did cross it with Holy Goddess which is Princess by Santa Shiva
hope to loosen up the bud
all the best and enjoy the day
Ya them indicas are tuff sometimes, but that’s what I like. I close the greenhouses up run dehumidifiers and so far so go. I have GDP, a MK Ultra going, heavy indicas, fingers crossed . Good luck to you.
thank you to you also
I have thought of taken a leave blower to them before sunup
too much like work I am somewhat of a lazy grower, I did use green cure one fall and it seemed
to work
now I just put the ones I fear to rot/mold where they get the sun first thing
that helps
all the best
Man you guys could benefit from a little hoop house action. Normal chainlink fence top rail is like $20 each and you can bend them and make some sweet giant hoop houses. My small one is begging for to be used for MJ but thats way to risky here!
They are out by Wallad Lake, Grow Green.
Awesome work @Dforce!
@MrMonkey420 Thank you sir,
How big is the tan grow bag?
thank you
The 2 in the bigger greenhouse are 35 gallon, the 3 others are 20 gallon.
yeah booooi! Love the looks of your greenhouse! What a lovely bunch a greenies ey. Looking all happy and lively. Weedville!
Do you use a trimmachine @Dforce. Looking at a long trimjail time there otherwise! Which is a good thing eventually. I just finished approx. 7oz today and already sick of it
@MrMonkey420 Yes, I use a cheap bowl trimmer, best 139 dollars I’ve ever spent.